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There are 19 seven-letter words containing B, G, I and W

BAGWIGSbagwigs n. Plural of bagwig.
bag␣wigs n. Plural of bag wig.
BAGWIG n. a wig, in use in the 18th century, with the hair at the back of the head in a bag.
BATWINGbatwing n. The wing of a bat, or its shape.
batwing n. Several South or Southeast Asian species of tailless dark swallowtail butterflies in the genus Atrophaneura.
batwing n. An area of flabby fat under a person’s arms.
BAWLINGbawling v. Present participle of bawl.
bawling n. The act of one who bawls or shouts.
BAWLING n. loud crying.
BIGWIGSbigwigs n. Plural of bigwig.
big-wigs n. Plural of big-wig.
big␣wigs n. Plural of big wig.
BLAWINGBLAW v. (Scots) to blow.
BLOWINGblowing v. Present participle of blow.
blowing n. The act of one who blows, or that which blows.
BLOWING n. the act of blowing, as in dry blowing, the use of a current of air to separate particles of mineral (esp. gold) from the material in which it is found.
BOBWIGSbobwigs n. Plural of bobwig.
bob␣wigs n. Plural of bob wig.
BOBWIG n. a wig with short turned up curls.
BOWINGSbowings n. Plural of bowing.
BOWING n. the technique of playing a stringed instrument with a bow.
BOWLINGbowling v. Present participle of bowl.
bowling n. A game played by rolling a ball down an alley and trying to knock over a triangular group of ten pins;…
bowling n. (New England) Candlepin bowling.
BOWNINGbowning v. Present participle of bowne.
BOWNE v. to prepare, also BOUN.
BOWSINGbowsing v. Present participle of bowse.
BOWSE v. to haul with tackle, also BOUSE.
BREWINGbrewing v. Present participle of brew.
brewing n. The production of alcoholic beverages, such as beer, by fermentation; the process of being brewed.
brewing n. The business or occupation of a brewer.
BUZZWIGBUZZWIG n. a large thick wig.
SWINGBYswingby n. An interplanetary flight in which the gravitational attraction of a planet is used to provide acceleration…
swing␣by v. (Transitive, intransitive, informal) To pay a brief, informal visit.
SWINGBY n. a spacecraft mission which uses gravitational pull.
WEBBINGwebbing n. A sturdy woven fabric.
webbing n. (Military) A belt and shoulder harness with attached pouches used to carry a soldier’s equipment, water…
webbing n. (Zoology) The webs of the digits.
WEBRINGwebring n. (Internet, dated) A collection of related websites which are interlinked in a circular structure, each…
WEBRING n. a collection of websites from around the Internet joined together in a circular structure.
WINDBAGwindbag n. (Archaic) Bellows for an organ.
windbag n. (Mildly derogatory) Someone who talks excessively.
windbag v. To talk pompously or excessively.
WINGBOWWINGBOW n. a mark on the wing of a domestic fowl.
WOMBINGwombing v. Present participle of womb.
WOMB v. (Shakespeare) to enclose as in a womb.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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