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There are 14 seven-letter words containing B, F, O and Y

BLOWFLYblowfly n. Any of various flies of the family Calliphoridae that lay their eggs in rotting meat, dung, or open wounds.
blow␣fly n. Alternative spelling of blowfly.
BLOWFLY n. a type of fly.
BOFFINYBOFFINY adj. like a boffin, a scientific expert.
BUYOFFSbuyoffs n. Plural of buyoff.
buy-offs n. Plural of buy-off.
BUYOFF n. the act of buying off, paying (a person or group) to drop a charge, end opposition, relinquish a claim, etc.
FANBOYSfanboys n. Plural of fanboy.
fanboys v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fanboy.
FANBOYS n. (Mnemonic) Acronym used to remember the coordinating conjunctions for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.
FLYBLOWflyblow n. The larva of the blowfly, especially when found on rotten meat.
flyblow v. (Transitive) To deposit eggs upon, as a blowfly does on meat; to cause to be maggoty.
flyblow v. (Transitive, by extension) To taint or contaminate.
FLYBOATflyboat n. A large flat-bottomed Dutch coasting vessel.
flyboat n. A kind of passenger boat formerly used on canals.
fly-boat n. Alternative form of flyboat.
FLYBOOKflybook n. (Fishing) A small case for holding fishing flies.
FLYBOOK n. a case like a book used to hold fishing flies.
FLYBOYSflyboys n. Plural of flyboy.
fly-boys n. Plural of fly-boy.
FLYBOY n. a pilot in the air force.
FOOTBOYfootboy n. (Now historical) A serving boy, attendant, page with similar duties to those of an adult footman.
FOOTBOY n. a page, an attendant, also FOOTPAGE.
FOREBAYforebay n. (Reservoirs) An artificial pool of water ahead of a larger body of water.
forebay n. The distinctive overhang(s) on a Pennsylvania barn.
FOREBAY n. a reservoir from which water is taken to run equipment.
FOREBYEforebye prep. Alternative form of forby.
FOREBYE prep. (Scots) close by, also FORBY, FORBYE, FOREBY.
FOYBOATfoyboat n. A small workboat primarily used to assist the mooring and servicing of a larger vessel, especially on…
FOYBOAT n. on Tyneside, a small rowing boat.
LIFTBOYliftboy n. A male elevator attendant.
LIFTBOY n. someone employed to operate a lift.
ZOMBIFYzombify v. (Transitive, fiction) To turn into a zombie (a member of the living dead or undead).
zombify v. (Transitive, computing) To take control of (a computer) in order to use it covertly and illicitly.
zombify v. (Transitive, idiomatic) To deprive of authenticity or vitality; to render someone brainless or unthinking.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 57 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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