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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 9 seven-letter words containing B, F, N and U

BANEFULbaneful adj. (Archaic) Poisonous, deadly.
baneful adj. Harmful, injurious.
BANEFUL adj. poisonous.
BEAUFINbeaufin n. Alternative form of biffin.
BEAUFIN n. a red cooking apple.
BLUEFINbluefin n. Bluefin tuna, any of a number of types of tuna characterised by their blue fins.
BLUEFIN n. a species of whitefish found in Lake Michigan.
BUFFINGbuffing v. Present participle of buff.
buffing n. Material removed by the action of someone who buffs.
BUFFING n. the process of polishing.
BUFFOONbuffoon n. One who acts in a silly or ridiculous fashion; a clown or fool.
buffoon n. (Derogatory) An unintentionally ridiculous person.
buffoon v. To behave like a buffoon.
FANSUBSfansubs n. Plural of fansub.
FANSUB n. the subtitling of foreign, esp. animated, films by fans.
FUBBINGfubbing v. Present participle of fub.
FUB v. to cheat, also FOB.
FUNEBREFUNEBRE adj. (French) mournful.
SNUBFINsnubfin n. A dolphin, Orcaella heinsohni, that lives in northern Australian waters.
SNUBFIN adj. as in snubfin dolphin, a species of dolphin with a small stubby dorsal fin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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