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There are 19 seven-letter words containing B, F, L and R

BAFFLERbaffler n. Something that causes one to be baffled, particularly a difficult puzzle or riddle.
baffler n. One of the projections inside a dice tower that serve to deflect the die unpredictably.
BAFFLER n. a person who or thing which baffles.
BIFILARbifilar adj. Having two wires, threads or filaments.
BIFILAR adj. having two threads.
BLUFFERbluffer n. One who bluffs.
bluffer adj. Comparative form of bluff: more bluff.
BLUFFER n. one that bluffs.
BRIEFLYbriefly adv. (Manner) In a brief manner, summarily.
briefly adv. (Duration) For a brief period.
briefly adv. To be brief, in short.
BRIMFULbrimful adj. Filled to maximum capacity.
brimful n. The maximum amount a container can hold.
brimful n. (Figurative) A large amount.
FABLERSfablers n. Plural of fabler.
FABLER n. a writer of fables.
FABULARfabular adj. Of, or pertaining to, fables.
fabular adj. In the form of a fable.
FABULAR adj. legendary.
FEBRILEfebrile adj. Feverish, or having a high temperature.
febrile adj. (Medicine) Involving fever as a symptom or cause.
febrile adj. Full of nervous energy.
FEEBLERfeebler adj. Comparative form of feeble: more feeble.
FEEBLE adj. very weak.
FIBRILSfibrils n. Plural of fibril.
FIBRIL n. a small fibre, also FIBRILLA.
FIBULARfibular adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the fibula.
FIBULAR adj. pertaining to the fibula.
FILBERDfilberd n. Alternative form of filbert.
FILBERD n. a hazel nut, also FILBERT.
FILBERTfilbert n. The hazelnut.
filbert n. The hazel tree.
filbert n. A paintbrush used in oil and acrylic painting with a long ferrule and a curving, tongue-shaped head.
FLUBBERflubber n. A rubbery polymer formed by cross-linking of polyvinyl alcohol with a boron compound, used as a plaything…
flubber n. One who flubs; a goof, a person who makes errors while speaking.
FLUBBER n. one who flubs, makes a mistake.
FRIABLEfriable adj. Easily broken into small fragments, crumbled, or reduced to powder.
friable adj. (Of soil) Loose and large-grained in consistency.
friable adj. (Of poisons) Likely to crumble and become airborne, thus becoming a health risk.
FRIBBLEfribble v. To waste or fritter.
fribble v. To behave in a frivolous way.
fribble v. To totter.
FRYABLEfryable adj. That can be fried.
FRYABLE adj. able to be fried.
FUMBLERfumbler n. Agent noun of fumble: one who fumbles.
FUMBLER n. one who fumbles.
FURBALLfurball n. A ball of fur, especially one coughed up by a cat.
furball n. (Informal) A particularly furry person or animal.
furball n. (Military, aviation, nautical, slang) A large, disorganized battle involving many different aircraft…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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