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There are 12 seven-letter words containing B, F and 2L

BALEFULbaleful adj. Portending evil; ominous.
baleful adj. (Obsolete) Miserable, wretched, distressed, suffering.
BALEFUL adj. foreboding or threatening evil.
BEFALLSbefalls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of befall.
befalls n. Plural of befall.
BEFALL v. to happen or occur to.
BLOWFLYblowfly n. Any of various flies of the family Calliphoridae that lay their eggs in rotting meat, dung, or open wounds.
blow␣fly n. Alternative spelling of blowfly.
BLOWFLY n. a type of fly.
BLUFFLYbluffly adv. In a bluff manner.
BLUFF adv. rough and hearty.
BOWLFULbowlful n. As much as is held by a bowl.
BOWLFUL n. as much as a bowl can hold.
FALBALAfalbala n. A furbelow.
FALBALA n. a trimming for a woman's garment.
FLYABLEflyable adj. (Of aircraft) Able to be flown; airworthy.
flyable adj. (Of a route or distance) Passable by flight.
FLYABLE adj. suitable for flying.
FLYBELTflybelt n. Alternative form of fly belt.
fly␣belt n. A region where tsetse flies are to be found.
FLYBELT n. an area infested with tsetse flies.
FLYBLEWflyblew v. Simple past tense of flyblow.
FLYBLOW v. to taint with the egg of a fly.
FLYBLOWflyblow n. The larva of the blowfly, especially when found on rotten meat.
flyblow v. (Transitive) To deposit eggs upon, as a blowfly does on meat; to cause to be maggoty.
flyblow v. (Transitive, by extension) To taint or contaminate.
FURBALLfurball n. A ball of fur, especially one coughed up by a cat.
furball n. (Informal) A particularly furry person or animal.
furball n. (Military, aviation, nautical, slang) A large, disorganized battle involving many different aircraft…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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