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There are 17 seven-letter words containing B, C and 2U

AUCUBASaucubas n. Plural of aucuba.
AUCUBA n. a shrub of the dogwood family.
BACULUMbaculum n. A bone found in the penis of some mammals.
baculum n. A small rod-like structure found in spores and pollen.
BACULUM n. (Latin) the bone in the penis of certain mammals.
BUMFUCKbumfuck adj. (Vulgar slang, derogatory) Isolated and neglected, undesirable, or held in contempt.
bumfuck v. (Vulgar slang) To fuck anally.
bumfuck n. (Vulgar slang) Anal sex.
BUZZCUTbuzzcut n. (US, Canada) A closely-cropped military-style haircut.
buzz␣cut n. Alternative form of buzzcut.
BUZZCUT n. a very short haircut.
CRUMBUMcrumbum n. (Slang) An objectionable or foolish person.
CRUMBUM n. a despicable person.
CUBITUScubitus n. (Archaic) The ulna.
cubitus n. (Entomology) One of the major veins of the insect wing, between the media and the postcubitus; the vein…
cubitus n. (Anatomy) The elbow, or the corresponding joint in the forelimb of a quadruped.
INCUBUSincubus n. (Mediaeval folklore) An evil spirit supposed to oppress people while asleep, especially to have sex…
incubus n. A feeling of oppression during sleep, sleep paralysis; night terrors, a nightmare.
incubus n. (By extension) Any oppressive thing or person; a burden.
JUMBUCKjumbuck n. (Australia) A sheep.
JUMBUCK n. (Australian slang) a sheep.
NUBUCKSnubucks n. Plural of nubuck.
NUBUCK n. a type of leather with a velvety finish.
SUBCULTsubcult n. A cult making up part of a larger cult.
SUBCULT n. a subdivision of a cult.
SUBDUCEsubduce v. To withdraw; to take away.
subduce v. To subtract by arithmetical operation; to deduct.
SUBDUCE v. to take away.
SUBDUCTsubduct v. (Transitive) To push under or below.
subduct v. (Intransitive) To move downwards underneath something.
subduct v. (Rare) To remove; to deduct; to take away; to disregard.
SUBFUSCsubfusc adj. Having subdued colors.
subfusc n. Dark clothing.
subfusc n. Clothing acceptable, by regulation at certain universities, for an examination or official event.
SUCCUBAsuccuba n. A female demon or fiend; a succubus.
SUCCUBA n. (Latin) a female demon, also SUCCUBUS.
SUCCUBIsuccubi n. Plural of succubus.
SUCCUBUS n. (Latin) a female demon, also SUCCUBA.
SUCCUMBsuccumb v. (Intransitive) To yield to an overpowering force or overwhelming desire.
succumb v. (Intransitive) To give up, or give in.
succumb v. (Intransitive) To die.
UNCURBSuncurbs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uncurb.
UNCURB v. to remove restraints from.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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