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There are 14 seven-letter words containing B, C, L and N

ALBINICalbinic adj. Synonym of albino.
ALBINIC adj. pertaining to albinism, also ALBINAL.
BALANCEbalance n. (Uncountable) A state in which opposing forces harmonise; equilibrium.
balance n. (Uncountable) Mental equilibrium; mental health; calmness, a state of remaining clear-headed and unperturbed.
balance n. (Literally or figuratively) Something of equal weight used to provide equilibrium; counterweight.
BALCONYbalcony n. (Architecture) An accessible structure extending from a building, especially outside a window.
balcony n. An accessible structure overlooking a stage or the like.
BALCONY n. a platform projecting from the wall of a building, often with access from a door or window.
BECLOWNbeclown v. (Transitive) To make a fool of.
BECLOWN v. to make ridiculous.
BINOCLEbinocle n. A dioptric telescope, fitted with two tubes joining, so as to enable the viewing of an object with both…
BINOCLE n. (French) a telescope for use with both eyes at once.
BLACKENblacken v. (Transitive, causative) To cause to be or become black.
blacken v. (Intransitive, ergative) To become black.
blacken v. (Transitive, causative) To make dirty.
BLANCOSblancos v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blanco.
BLANCO v. to whiten with blanco.
CABLINGcabling n. A collection of cables.
cabling n. (Architecture) The decoration of a fluted shaft of a column or of a pilaster with reeds, or rounded…
cabling v. Present participle of cable.
CLUBMANclubman n. (Dated) A man who attends a social club.
clubman n. A warrior who uses a club as a weapon.
CLUBMAN n. a member of a club.
CLUBMENclubmen n. Plural of clubman.
CLUBMAN n. a member of a club.
COALBINcoalbin n. A bin for the storage of coal.
COALBIN n. a bin for storing coal.
NIBLICKniblick n. (Golf, dated) A metal-headed golf club with a large highly lofted head. Replaced by a sand iron or wedge…
niblick v. (Golf, transitive, intransitive) To strike, or take a shot, with a niblick.
NIBLICK n. an iron-headed golf club with a steeply angled face, for playing out of bunkers.
SUBCLANsubclan n. A branch of a larger clan.
SUBCLAN n. a subdivision of a clan.
UNBLOCKunblock v. (Transitive) To remove or clear a block or obstruction from.
unblock v. (Transitive) To free or make available.
unblock v. (Intransitive, card games) In whist, to throw away a high card so as not to interrupt one’s partner’s long suit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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