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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 7 seven-letter words containing B, C, G and U

BUCKINGbucking v. Present participle of buck.
bucking n. The act or process of soaking or boiling cloth in an alkaline liquid in the operation of bleaching.
bucking n. The liquid used in this process.
BUNCINGbuncing v. Present participle of bunce.
BUNCE v. to disguise pilfering by overcharging customers.
COBURGSCoburgs n. Plural of Coburg.
COBURG n. (German) a thin single-twilled worsted fabric with cotton or silk.
CUBAGEScubages n. Plural of cubage.
CUBAGE n. the process of finding the cubic content of a body, also CUBATURE.
CUBBINGcubbing v. Present participle of cub.
cubbing n. The activities of Cub Scouts.
CUBBING n. cub-hunting.
CURBINGcurbing v. Present participle of curb.
curbing n. A row of curbstones; the material used to construct such a curb.
curbing n. The damage caused to a wheel or tire by curbing (running the wheel or tire into or over a curb).
SCUMBAGscumbag n. (Slang, vulgar, dated) A condom.
scumbag n. (Informal, mildly vulgar) A sleazy, disreputable or despicable person; lowlife.
SCUMBAG n. a contemptible person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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