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There are 15 seven-letter words containing B, 2C and E

ACCABLEaccable v. (Transitive, obsolete) To overwhelm; to encumber.
ACCABLE adj. (French) depressed, overwhelmed.
ACERBICacerbic adj. Tasting sour or bitter.
acerbic adj. (Figurative) Sharp, harsh, biting.
ACERBIC adj. bitter and sour, also ACERB.
BACCAREbaccare interj. (Obsolete) Stand back! give place!
BACCARE interj. (Shakespeare) back! stand back!, also BACKARE.
BACCATEbaccate adj. (Botany) Pulpy throughout, like a berry; said of fruits.
baccate adj. Looking like a berry.
baccate adj. Producing berries.
BACCIESbaccies n. Plural of baccy.
BACCY n. (colloquial) tobacco, also BACCO.
BACCOESBACCO n. (short for) tobacco, also BACCY.
BICCIESbiccies n. Plural of biccie.
biccies n. Plural of biccy.
BICCY n. (slang) biscuit, also BICKIE, BIKKIE.
BICYCLEbicycle n. A vehicle that has two wheels, one behind the other, a steering handle, and a saddle seat or seats and…
bicycle n. A traveling block used on a cable in skidding logs.
bicycle n. The best possible hand in lowball.
BOCCIESBOCCIE n. (Italian) an Italian bowling game, also BOCCE, BOCCI, BOCCIA.
BRECCIAbreccia n. (Petrology) A rock composed of angular fragments in a matrix that may be of a similar or a different material.
BRECCIA n. (Italian) a geological formation consisting of angular fragments of rock.
CHEBECSchebecs n. Plural of chebec.
CHEBEC n. a small American bird, the least flycatcher.
CROMBECcrombec n. Any of several small passerine birds in the genus Sylvietta.
CROMBEC n. a kind of African warbler.
CUBICLEcubicle n. A small separate part or one of the compartments of a room, especially in a work environment.
cubicle n. A small enclosure at a swimming pool etc. used to provide personal privacy when changing.
cubicle n. (UK, Australia) A small enclosure in a public toilet for individual use.
ECBOLICecbolic adj. (Medicine) Producing abortion of a fetus or accelerating childbirth, oxytocic.
ecbolic n. (Medicine) An agent that produces abortion of a fetus or hastens delivery of the same.
ECBOLIC n. a drug used to assist childbirth.
SEBACICsebacic adj. Of or pertaining to sebacic acid or its derivatives.
SEBACIC adj. of or like sebum, as in sebacic acid, also SEBASIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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