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There are 10 seven-letter words containing 2B and 2U

BOUBOUSboubous n. Plural of boubou.
BOUBOU n. a long flowing garment worn in Mali, also BUBU.
BUBUKLEbubukle n. (Obsolete, nonce word) A red pimple.
BUBUKLE n. (Shakespeare) Fluellen's word for a red pimple.
BUIBUISbuibuis n. Plural of buibui.
BUIBUI n. (Swahili) a black shawl worn by African Muslim women.
BULBOUSbulbous adj. Having the shape of or resembling a bulb, bloated.
bulbous adj. (Of a person) Overweight and round in shape.
bulbous adj. (Botany) Growing from a bulb or producing bulbs.
BULBULSbulbuls n. Plural of bulbul.
BULBUL n. (Arabic) an Indian songbird.
BUNBURYBunbury prop.n. A surname.
Bunbury prop.n. A village in Cheshire, England.
Bunbury prop.n. A port city in Western Australia.
FLUBDUBflubdub n. (Countable) A buffoon.
flubdub n. (Uncountable) Trivial matters; nonsense.
FLUBDUB n. pretentious nonsense.
HUBBUBShubbubs n. Plural of hubbub.
hub-bubs n. Plural of hub-bub.
HUBBUB n. a confused sound of many voices, also HUBBUBOO, WHOOBUB.
LULIBUBLULIBUB n. (archaic) a piece of candy on the end of a stick, also LOLLIPOP, LOLLYPOP.
SUBURBSsuburbs n. Plural of suburb.
suburbs n. The populated area surrounding a city.
SUBURB n. a residential area adjacent to a city.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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