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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing 2B, C and U

BABACUSBABACU n. (Tupi) a Brazilian palm tree, also BABASSU.
BABUCHEbabuche n. Alternative form of baboosh.
BABUCHE n. (French) a kind of heelless slipper, also BABOUCHE, BABOOSH.
BUBONICbubonic adj. Of or pertaining to buboes.
BUBONIC adj. pertaining to a bubo, an inflammatory swelling of the lymph nodes.
BUYBACKbuyback n. The repurchase of something previously sold, especially of stock by the company that issued it.
buyback n. A government purchase scheme intended to achieve a specific goal such as habitat protection or a reduction…
buyback n. (Countable) A free drink given to a patron by a bartender.
CLUBBEDclubbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of club.
clubbed adj. Shaped like a club; grasped like, or used as, a club.
CLUB v. to form an organised group of people.
CLUBBERclubber n. One who partakes in clubbing, who frequents nightclubs.
clubber n. One who clubs, who hits objects with a club.
CLUBBER n. a person who frequents nightclubs.
CUBBIERCUBBY adj. plump, squat.
CUBBIEScubbies n. Plural of cubby.
CUBBY n. a snug enclosed space.
CUBBINGcubbing v. Present participle of cub.
cubbing n. The activities of Cub Scouts.
CUBBING n. cub-hunting.
CUBBISHcubbish adj. Reminiscent of a cub, i.e. shy and naive.
CUBBISH adj. like a cub.
KEBBUCKkebbuck n. A whole wheel or ball of cheese.
KEBBUCK n. (Scots) a double cream cheese rolled in oatmeal, also CABOC, KEBBOCK.
SCRUBBYscrubby adj. Covered with or consisting of scrub.
scrubby adj. Inferior in size or quality.
SCRUBBY adj. inferior in size or quality.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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