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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing B, R and 2T

BATTERbatter v. To hit or strike violently and repeatedly.
batter v. (Cooking) To coat with batter (the food ingredient).
batter v. (Figurative) To defeat soundly; to thrash.
BETTERbetter adj. Comparative degree of good.
better adj. Comparative degree of well.
better adj. Greater in amount or quantity.
BETTORbettor n. A person who makes a bet, such as a wager on the outcome of a game of chance or a sporting event.
BETTOR n. one who bets.
BITTERbitter adj. Having an acrid taste (usually from a basic substance).
bitter adj. Harsh, piercing or stinging.
bitter adj. Hateful or hostile.
BITTORbittor n. (Obsolete) A bittern (bird).
BITTOR n. (Spenser) the bittern, also BITTERN, BITTOUR, BITTUR.
BITTURbittur n. Obsolete form of bittern.
BITTUR n. (Spenser) the bittern, also BITTERN, BITTOR, BITTOUR.
BRATTYbratty adj. Characteristic of a brat; unruly and impolite.
BRATTY adj. like a brat, spoilt.
BRITTSBRITT n. a young herring, also BRIT.
BUTTERbutter n. A soft, fatty foodstuff made by churning the cream of milk (generally cow’s milk).
butter n. Any of various foodstuffs made from other foods or oils, similar in consistency to, eaten like or intended…
butter n. Any of various substances made from other (especially plant-based) oils or fats, used in moisturizers, cosmetics, etc.
TABRETtabret n. A small tabor; a timbrel.
tabret n. (Obsolete) A person who plays the tabor.
TABRET n. (historical) a small tabor.
TURBITturbit n. A kind of pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding, known for its peaked crest, short…
turbit n. The turbot.
TURBIT n. a kind of domestic pigeon.
TURBOTturbot n. A species of flatfish native to Europe (Scophthalmus maximus, earlier Psetta maxima).
turbot n. Any of various other flatfishes of family Scophthalmidae that are found in marine or brackish waters.
turbot n. Triggerfish, Canthidermis sufflamen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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