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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing B, L and 2T

BATLETbatlet n. A short bat for beating clothes when washing them.
BATLET n. a wooden mallet for beating clothes, also BATLER.
BATTELbattel n. Archaic spelling of battle.
battel n. (UK, law, obsolete) A single combat.
battel adj. (Obsolete) fertile; fruitful; productive.
BATTLEbattle n. A contest, a struggle.
battle n. (Military) A general action, fight, or encounter, in which all the divisions of an army are or may be…
battle n. (Military, now rare) A division of an army; a battalion.
BLATTSBLATT n. (slang) a newspaper.
BLOTTOblotto adj. (Informal) (Very) drunk or intoxicated.
blotto n. (Informal) A person who is (very) drunk or intoxicated.
blotto n. (Art) An artwork created using blots of ink or paint.
BLOTTYblotty adj. Characterised or ridden with blots or blemishes.
BLOTTY adj. smudged.
BOTTLEbottle n. A container, typically made of glass or plastic and having a tapered neck, used primarily for holding liquids.
bottle n. The contents of such a container.
bottle n. A container with a rubber nipple used for giving liquids to infants, a baby bottle.
BUTTLEbuttle v. To serve as or perform the duties of a butler.
Buttle prop.n. A surname.
BUTTLE v. to act as a butler.
TABLETtablet n. A slab of clay, stone or wood used for inscription.
tablet n. (Religion) A short scripture written by the founders of the Bahá’í faith.
tablet n. A pill; a small, easily swallowed portion of a substance.
TALBOTtalbot n. (Physics) An mks unit of luminous energy, exactly corresponding to the SI lumen second.
talbot n. A type of hound with broad mouth and large ears, once used for hunting and tracking.
Talbot prop.n. An English surname thought to be of Norman (Germanic) origin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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