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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 16 six-letter words containing B, I, R and Y

BINARYbinary adj. Being in one of two mutually exclusive states.
binary adj. (Logic) Concerning logic whose subject matter concerns binary states.
binary adj. (Arithmetic, computing) Concerning numbers and calculations using the binary number system.
BRAINYbrainy adj. (Informal) Very intellectually capable.
BRAINY adj. intelligent.
BRIARYbriary adj. Like a briar; thorny.
BRIARY adj. full of briars, also BRIERY.
BRICKYbricky adj. Covered with brick.
bricky adj. Similar to brick in texture, colour, shape, etc.
bricky n. (Slang) A bricklayer.
BRIERYbriery adj. Alternative spelling of briary.
briery n. A place where briars grow.
BRIERY adj. thorny, full of briers, also BRIARY.
BRINNYbrinny n. (Australia, Victoria) A stone thrown as a missile.
BRINNY n. (Australian slang) a stone, when thrown.
BRIONYbriony n. Alternative spelling of bryony.
BRIONY n. a climbing plant.
BRISKYbrisky adj. (Rare) Somewhat brisk; lively; energetic.
brisky n. (Rare, probably obsolete, possibly nonstandard) A britchka, a type of horse-drawn carriage.
BRISKY adj. (Shakespeare) brisk.
BYRNIEbyrnie n. (Historical) A short chain mail shirt, covering from the upper arms to the upper thighs.
BYRNIE n. (historical) a coat of mail.
CYBRIDcybrid n. (Genetics) An artificial hybrid cell produced by introducing nuclear material from one organism into…
CYBRID n. a cell, plant etc. possessing the nuclear genome of one plant with at least some part of the genome of the other.
HYBRIDhybrid n. (Biology) Offspring resulting from cross-breeding different entities, e.g. two different species or…
hybrid n. Something of mixed origin or composition; often, a tool or technology that combines the benefits of…
hybrid adj. Consisting of diverse components.
HYBRIShybris n. Alternative form of hubris.
HYBRIS n. (Greek) overbearing pride, also HUBRIS.
ORBITYorbity n. (Obsolete) A bereavement by loss of parents or children; the state of being orbate; orbation.
ORBITY n. (obsolete) bereavement, esp. of children.
RIBEYEribeye n. Ellipsis of ribeye steak.; (a boneless ribsteak); (a cut of steak from the beef rib).
ribeye n. Synonym of ribsteak (an unfilleted ribsteak, with the bone-in).
ribeye n. (Baseball, slang) A run batted in.
RUBIFYrubify v. (Rare, transitive) to make red; to cause to redden.
rubify v. (Rare, intransitive) to redden; to become red.
RUBIFY v. to redden, also RUBEFY.
TRILBYtrilby n. A narrow-brimmed felt hat.
TRILBY n. a soft felt hat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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