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There are 16 six-letter words containing B, I, O and U

BAGUIObaguio n. (Philippines) A typhoon.
Baguio prop.n. An independent city in Benguet, Philippines.
BAGUIO n. (Spanish) a hurricane.
BIJOUSbijous n. Plural of bijou.
BIJOU n. (French) a trinket, a jewel.
BIJOUXbijoux n. Plural of bijou.
BIJOU n. (French) a trinket, a jewel.
BINIOUbiniou n. (Music) A set of traditional Breton bagpipes.
BINIOU n. a small Breton bagpipe.
BOUDINboudin n. A kind of blood sausage in French, Belgian, Luxembourgish and related cuisines.
boudin n. A sausage in southern Louisiana Creole and Cajun cuisine, made from rice, ground pork (occasionally…
boudin n. A structure formed by boudinage: one or a series of elongated, sausage-shaped section(s) in rock.
BOUGIEbougie n. (Medicine) A tapered cylindrical instrument for introducing an object into a tubular anatomical structure…
bougie n. A wax candle.
bougie adj. (Slang, usually derogatory) Behaving like or pertaining to people of a higher social status, middle-class…
BUNIONbunion n. (Pathology) A bump or bulge on the first joint of the big toe caused by the swelling of a sac of fluid under the skin.
bunion n. (Colloquial, by extension) Hallux valgus, deviation of the big toe from its normal position towards…
BUNION n. a painful swelling on the toe.
CUBOIDcuboid adj. Of the shape of a cube.
cuboid n. (Anatomy) The cuboid bone.
cuboid n. (Geometry) A parallelepiped having six rectangular faces.
LOBULIlobuli n. Plural of lobulus.
LOBULUS n. (Latin) a small lobe or lobe-like structure, also LOBULE.
OUBITSOUBIT n. a hairy caterpillar, esp. of the tiger moth, also OOBIT, WOOBUT, WOUBIT.
OUREBIourebi n. Alternative form of oribi (“type of antelope”) (Ourebia ourebi).
OUREBI n. (South African) an African antelope, also ORIBI.
OUTBIDoutbid v. (Transitive) To bid more than (somebody else) in an auction.
OUTBID v. to bid higher than.
RUBIGOrubigo n. (Phytopathology, obsolete) rust (fungal disease of plants).
RUBIGO n. (Latin) red iron oxide.
SUBITOsubito adv. (Music) Suddenly, abruptly.
SUBITO interj. (Italian) at once; immediately.
UPBOILupboil v. (Intransitive, poetic) To boil upward.
UPBOIL v. to boil up.
WOUBITWOUBIT n. a hairy caterpillar, esp. of the tiger moth, also OOBIT, OUBIT, WOOBUT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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