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There are 18 six-letter words containing B, I and 2N

BAININbainin n. (Ireland) undyed white homespun woolen yarn or cloth.
bainin n. (Ireland) the creamy white colour of such yarn or cloth.
bainin n. (Ireland) a jacket made of such cloth.
BANIANbanian n. Alternative spelling of banyan.
BANIAN n. (Hindi) a Hindu trader.
BANINGbaning v. Present participle of bane.
BANE v. to kill with poison.
BENIGNbenign adj. Kind; gentle; mild.
benign adj. (Of a climate or environment) mild and favorable.
benign adj. (In combination) Not harmful to the environment.
BENNISBENNI n. the sesame plant, also BENNE, BENI.
BENZINbenzin n. Archaic form of benzine.
BENZIN n. a solvent distilled from petroleum, also BENZINE.
BINMANbinman n. (Less common) Alternative spelling of bin man.
bin␣man n. (Britain) A man with the job of collecting refuse from people’s homes and transporting it to a refuse…
BINMAN n. a refuse disposal man.
BINMENbinmen n. Plural of binman.
bin␣men n. Plural of bin man.
BINMAN n. a refuse disposal man.
BINNEDbinned v. Simple past tense and past participle of bin.
BIN v. to store in a large receptacle.
BONINGboning v. Present participle of bone.
boning n. The removal of bones from a carcass; filleting.
boning n. The arrangement of bones in a corset.
BONNIEbonnie adj. Merry; happy.
bonnie adj. (Geordie, Scotland) Beautiful; pretty; attractive; handsome.
bonnie adj. (Dialectal, Scotland, Northern England) Fine, good (often used ironically).
BRINNYbrinny n. (Australia, Victoria) A stone thrown as a missile.
BRINNY n. (Australian slang) a stone, when thrown.
BUNIONbunion n. (Pathology) A bump or bulge on the first joint of the big toe caused by the swelling of a sac of fluid under the skin.
bunion n. (Colloquial, by extension) Hallux valgus, deviation of the big toe from its normal position towards…
BUNION n. a painful swelling on the toe.
BUNNIAbunnia n. (India) A merchant or trader.
BUNNIA n. (Hindi) an (Indian) corn-merchant, also BUNIA.
INBENTinbent adj. Bent inward.
INBENT adj. bent inwards.
INBORNinborn adj. Innate, possessed by an organism at birth.
inborn adj. Inherited or hereditary.
INBORN adj. existing in one from birth.
NUBBINnubbin n. A stub, especially a stub of undeveloped corn or fruit or nipple.
nubbin n. (Informal) A small protuberance, bud, bump, or knob.
nubbin n. (Slang) The clitoris.
UNBINDunbind v. (Transitive) To take bindings off.
unbind v. (Transitive, figuratively) To set free from a debt, contract or promise.
unbind v. (Computing, transitive) To disable some kind of connection in software, such as a key binding.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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