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There are 19 six-letter words containing B, I, M and U

BARIUMbarium n. The chemical element (symbol Ba) with an atomic number of 56. It is a soft, reactive, silvery alkaline earth metal.
barium n. (Countable) A single atom of this element.
barium n. (Medicine) barium sulfate suspension.
BIVIUMbivium n. (Zoology) One side of an echinoderm, including a pair of ambulacra, in distinction from the opposite…
BIVIUM n. (Latin) in echinoderms, the two rays enclosing the madreporite.
BULIMYbulimy n. Archaic form of bulimia.
BULIMY n. (Greek) an eating disorder in which binge eating is followed by depression and guilt, self-induced vomiting and purging, etc., also BULIMIA, BULIMUS.
BUMKINbumkin n. (Nautical) A short outrigger projecting from the side of the aft part of a square-rigged sailing ship…
BUMKIN n. a spar projecting from the stern of ship, also BOOMKIN, BUMPKIN.
CUBISMcubism n. (Often capitalized) An artistic movement in the early 20th Century characterized by the depiction of…
CUBISM n. an art style.
CUMBIAcumbia n. A traditional style of Colombian dance and music, or a piece in this style.
CUMBIA n. a Columbian style of music.
ERBIUMerbium n. A chemical element (symbol Er) with atomic number 68: a silvery-white metal, in nature always found…
erbium n. (Countable) A single atom of this element.
ERBIUM n. (Swedish) a metallic element.
IAMBUSiambus n. (Prosody) iamb.
IAMBUS n. (Latin) a type of metrical foot, also IAMB, IAMBIC.
IMBRUEimbrue v. To stain (In, with, blood, slaughter, etc.).
IMBRUE v. to drench, also EMBRUE.
IMBUEDimbued v. Simple past tense and past participle of imbue.
IMBUE v. to inspire with.
IMBUESimbues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of imbue.
IMBUE v. to inspire with.
JUMBIEjumbie n. (Chiefly Caribbean) A ghost or evil spirit.
JUMBIE n. (West Indian) a ghost or evil spirit, also JUMBY.
LABIUMlabium n. (Anatomy, usually in the plural) A liplike structure; especially one of the two pairs of folds of skin…
labium n. (Botany) The lip of a labiate corolla.
labium n. (Entomology) A lower mouthpart of an insect that is formed by the second pair of maxillae united in the middle line.
LIMBUSlimbus n. (Medicine, biology) A border of an anatomical part, such as the edge of the cornea.
Limbus n. Plural of Limbu.
LIMBUS n. (Latin) a distinctive border.
MALIBUmalibu n. (Surfing) A type of lightweight longboard known for its stability.
Malibu prop.n. A city in Los Angeles County, California, United States known for its beaches.
MALIBU adj. as in malibu board, a light surfboard.
MIBUNAmibuna n. A leaf vegetable used in Japanese cooking, Brassica rapa nipposinica or Brassica rapa japonica.
MIBUNA n. (Japanese) a vegetable of the cabbage family, closely related to mizuna.
NIMBUSnimbus n. A circle of light; a halo.
nimbus n. A gray rain cloud.
NIMBUS n. (Latin) a halo; a type of cloud.
SUBMITsubmit v. (Intransitive) To yield or give way to another.
submit v. (Transitive) To yield (something) to another, as when defeated.
submit v. (Transitive, intransitive) To enter or put forward for approval, consideration, marking etc.
UMBRILumbril n. Alternative form of umbrel.
UMBRIL n. (Spenser) the visor of a helmet, also UMBREL, UMBRERE, UMBRIERE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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