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There are 19 six-letter words containing B, 2I and R

BICHIRbichir n. Any of a group of ray-finned fish of the family Polypteridae in the order Polypteriformes.
BICHIR n. any of various primitive African freshwater fishes of the genus Polypterus, also BIRCHIR.
BIRDIEbirdie n. (Diminutive) A (little) bird; a birdling; a child’s term for a bird.
birdie n. (Golf) The completion of a hole one stroke below par.
birdie n. (Badminton) A shuttlecock.
BIRKIEBirkie n. (Skiing, informal) The American Birkebeiner, a cross-country ski race.
BIRKIE adj. (Scots) active, lively.
BIRKIE n. a lively or mettlesome fellow.
BRIDIEbridie n. A Scottish meat pastry, similar to a Cornish pasty.
Bridie prop.n. A Celtic diminutive of the female given name Bridget.
BRIDIE n. (Scots) a meat and onion turnover.
BRIKISBRIKI n. the Greek name for a cezve, a small metal pot used for preparing coffee.
BURITIburiti n. The moriche palm.
BURITI n. (Tupi) a kind of South American palm-tree.
FIBRILfibril n. A fine fibre or filament.
fibril n. (Biology) Any fine, filamentous structure in animals or plants.
FIBRIL n. a small fibre, also FIBRILLA.
FIBRINfibrin n. A white, albuminous, fibrous substance, formed in the coagulation of the blood.
fibrin n. An elastic, insoluble, whitish protein produced by the action of thrombin on fibrinogen and forming…
fibrin n. An albuminous body, resembling animal fibrin in composition, found in cereal grains and similar seeds;…
IBERISiberis n. (Botany) Any plant of the genus Iberis; a candytuft.
Iberis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Brassicaceae – the candytufts, native to the Old World.
IBERIS n. the candytuft plant.
IBRIKSibriks n. Plural of ibrik.
IBRIK n. the Arabic name for a cezve, a small metal pot used for preparing coffee.
MIDRIBmidrib n. (Botany) The strengthened vein down the middle of a flower petal or simple leaf or leaflet.
midrib n. (Botany) The continuation of the petiole of a pinnately compound leaf around which the leaflets attach.
MIDRIB n. the central vein of a leaf.
ORIBISoribis n. Plural of oribi.
ORIBI n. (South African) an African antelope, also OUREBI.
RIBBIEribbie n. (Baseball, slang) run batted in, RBI.
ribbie n. (Slang) rigid inflatable boat.
RIBBIE n. in baseball, a run batted in.
RIBBITribbit interj. (Onomatopoeia) The vocal sound made by a frog or toad.
ribbit interj. Used to anonymously and disrespectfully break silence, as in educational or ceremonial settings.
ribbit n. The vocal sound made by a frog or toad.
RIBIBEribibe n. (Historical) A kind of stringed instrument; a rebec or an instrument similar to it.
ribibe n. (Obsolete, derogatory) An old woman.
ribibe n. (Obsolete) A bawd; a prostitute.
RIBIERRIBIER n. a large, black grape.
SBIRRIsbirri n. Plural of sbirro.
SBIRRO n. (Italian) an Italian police officer.
VIBIERVIBEY adj. lively, vibrant.
VIBRIOvibrio n. Any of several bacteria, of the genus Vibrio, shaped like a curved rod.
Vibrio prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Vibrionaceae – gram-negative bacteria possessing a curved rod shape…
VIBRIO n. a bacterium with a slight spiral curve, also VIBRION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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