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There are 16 six-letter words containing B, H and 2O

BEHOOFbehoof n. (Dated) That which is advantageous to a person; behalf, interest, advantage, profit, benefit.
BEHOOF n. a benefit resulting from some course of action.
BHOONAbhoona n. Alternative form of bhuna (“type of curry”).
BHOONA n. a dish sauteed in oil and a mix of spices, also BHUNA.
BHOOTSbhoots n. Plural of bhoot.
BHOOT n. (Hindi) a small whirlwind, also BHUT.
BOOHAIBOOHAI n. (New Zealand) a remote rural place, as in up the boohai, thoroughly lost, also BOOAI, BOOAY.
BOOHEDboohed v. Simple past tense and past participle of booh.
BOOH v. to show disapproval by making this sound, also BOO.
BOOHOOboohoo v. (Colloquial, childish, intransitive) To cry, weep.
boohoo v. (Sarcastic, intransitive) To complain, whine.
boohoo n. (Dated) The sailfish.
BOOTHSbooths n. Plural of booth.
BOOTH n. a stall for the display or sale of goods.
BROCHOBROCHO n. (Hebrew) a blessing, also BRACHAH.
BROOCHbrooch n. A piece of ornamental jewellery having a pin allowing it to be fixed to garments worn on the upper body.
brooch n. A painting all of one colour, such as a sepia painting.
brooch v. (Transitive) To adorn as with a brooch.
HABOOBhaboob n. A violent sandstorm or duststorm in the deserts of Arabia, North Africa, India, or North America.
HABOOB n. (Arabic) a violent dust storm or sandstorm, esp. in Sudan along the southern edges of the Sahara.
HOBJOBhobjob n. An odd job; temporary, unspecialized employment.
hobjob v. (Intransitive) To carry out odd jobs.
HOBJOB v. (dialect) to do odd jobs.
HOBNOBhobnob n. (Obsolete) A toast made while touching glasses together.
hobnob n. A drinking together.
hobnob n. An informal chat.
HOBOEDhoboed v. Simple past tense and past participle of hobo.
HOBO v. to live like a tramp.
HOBOEShoboes n. Plural of hobo.
HOBO v. to live like a tramp.
HOTBOXhotbox n. A container maintained at elevated temperatures in order to heat or cook its contents.
hotbox n. (Engineering) An overheated shaft bearing.
hotbox n. A room or compartment that is kept artificially warm for some purpose.
POOBAHpoobah n. A person who holds multiple offices or positions of power at the same time.
poobah n. A leader or other important person.
poobah n. A pompous, self-important person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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