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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 9 six-letter words containing B, G, O and T

BIGOTSbigots n. Plural of bigot.
BIGOT n. a prejudiced person.
BOGARTbogart n. (Slang) An obnoxious, selfish and overbearing person; an attention hog.
bogart v. (Slang) To selfishly take or keep something; to hog; especially to hold a joint (marijuana) dangling…
bogart v. (Slang) To get something by bullying, intimidation; be a tough guy.
BOUGETbouget n. Obsolete form of budget.
bouget n. (Heraldry) A charge resembling the water bags that were used to supply the army in battle.
BOUGET n. (Spenser) a budget, a sack.
BOUGHTbought v. Simple past tense and past participle of buy.
bought n. (Obsolete) A bend; flexure; curve; a hollow angle.
bought n. (Obsolete) A bend or hollow in a human or animal body.
BOWGETbowget n. Alternative form of bouget.
BOWGET n. (obsolete) an ancient water vessel consisting of a yoke with two leather pouches or skins attached.
BUGOUTbugout n. Alternative form of bug out.
bug␣out v. (Slang, intransitive, originally military) To leave (a place) hastily.
bug␣out v. (Slang, intransitive) To abandon someone without warning.
GOBBETgobbet n. A quantity of liquid, often in a sticky blotch.
gobbet n. A lump or chunk of something, especially of raw meat.
gobbet n. An extract of text, or image (especially a quotation), provided as a context for analysis, discussion…
GOBLETgoblet n. A drinking vessel with a foot and stem.
GOBLET n. a drinking vessel.
OUTBEGoutbeg v. To surpass in begging.
OUTBEG v. to surpass in begging.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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