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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 6 six-letter words containing B, G, M and U

BEGUMSbegums n. Plural of begum.
Begums prop.n. Plural of Begum.
BEGUM n. (Urdu) a high ranking Muslim lady.
BUMBAGbumbag n. Alternative spelling of bum bag.
bum␣bag n. (Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand) A small pouch attached to a belt that is worn on the outside…
BUMBAG n. a small bag, usually worn on a belt round the waist.
GUMBOSgumbos n. Plural of gumbo.
GUMBO n. (Bantu) a soup thickened with okra, also GOMBO, GOMBRO.
HUMBUGhumbug n. (Countable, slang) A hoax, jest, or prank.
humbug n. (Countable, slang) A fraud or sham; (uncountable) hypocrisy.
humbug n. (Countable, slang) A cheat, fraudster, or hypocrite.
MUDBUGmudbug n. (US, informal) A crayfish.
MUDBUG n. a crayfish.
SUBGUMsubgum n. A Cantonese dish consisting of mixed meat and vegetables, often in combination with noodles, rice, or soup.
SUBGUM n. (Chinese) a Chinese-style dish consisting of mixed vegetables, and sometimes diced meat or seafood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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