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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 8 six-letter words containing B, F, L and O

BEFOOLbefool v. (Transitive, archaic) To make a fool out of (someone); to fool, trick, or deceive (someone).
BEFOOL v. to fool; to delude or lead into error.
BEFOULbefoul v. To make foul; to soil; to contaminate, pollute.
befoul v. (Specifically) To defecate on, to soil with excrement.
befoul v. (Figuratively) To stain or mar (for example with infamy or disgrace).
BIFOLDbifold adj. Twofold, double.
bifold adj. Of two kinds.
bifold n. (Carpentry) A door, window, shutter, or divider consisting of two equal panels hinged together so that…
BOTFLYbotfly n. One of several dipterous insects of the family Oestridae, the larvae of which are parasites on many…
bot␣fly n. Alternative spelling of botfly.
BOTFLY n. a name for various flies that lay their eggs on horses, etc.
BOXFULboxful n. As much as a box will hold.
BOXFUL n. as much as a box can hold.
FLYBOYflyboy n. (Aviation, slang) An aircraft pilot, especially of a military combat aircraft.
flyboy n. (Printing, historical, slang) A man employed to clear the printed copies from the printing-press.
fly-boy n. Alternative form of flyboy.
FOIBLEfoible n. (Chiefly in the plural) A quirk, idiosyncrasy, or mannerism; an unusual habit that is slightly strange or silly.
foible n. A weakness or failing of character.
foible n. (Fencing) Part of a sword between the middle and the point, weaker than the forte.
SOBFULsobful adj. (Archaic) Full of sobs; tearful, weeping.
SOBFUL adj. given to sobbing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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