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There are 12 six-letter words containing B, E, N and Z

BENZALbenzal n. (Chemistry) A transparent crystalline substance, C6H5.CO. NH2, obtained by the action of ammonia on…
BENZAL n. a radical in oil of bitter almonds.
BENZILbenzil n. (Organic chemistry) The organic compound 1,2-diphenyl-1,2-ethanedione, a diketone used as an intermediate…
BENZIL n. a hydrocarbon radical.
BENZINbenzin n. Archaic form of benzine.
BENZIN n. a solvent distilled from petroleum, also BENZINE.
BENZOLbenzol n. (Organic chemistry) An impure benzene (mixed with toluene etc), used in the arts as a solvent, and for…
benzol n. (Organic chemistry, obsolete) benzyl alcohol.
benzol n. (Obsolete) Synonym of benzene.
BENZYLbenzyl n. (Organic chemistry, especially in combination) The univalent radical C6H5-CH2- related to toluene and…
BENZYL n. a compound radical, related to toluene and benzoic acid.
BEZANTbezant n. (History) A coin made of gold or silver, minted at Byzantium and used in currency throughout mediaeval Europe.
bezant n. (Heraldry) The heraldic representation of a gold coin.
BEZANT n. a gold coin first struck at Byzantium or Constantinople; in heraldry, a charge like this, a gold roundel, also BEZZANT, BYZANT.
BIZONEBizone prop.n. (Historical) The combination of the American and British occupation zones in Germany after World War II.
BIZONE n. a country formed of two zones.
BONZERbonzer adj. (Australia, New Zealand, informal) Remarkable; wonderful; excellent; terrific.
bonzer n. (Australia, New Zealand, informal, obsolete) An excellent person or thing.
BONZER adj. (Australian slang) very good, also BONZA.
BONZESbonzes n. Plural of bonze.
BONZE n. (Japanese) a Japanese or Chinese Buddhist religious teacher.
BRAZENbrazen adj. (Archaic) Pertaining to, made of, or resembling brass (in color or strength).
brazen adj. Sounding harsh and loud, like brass cymbals or brass instruments.
brazen adj. (Archaic) Extremely strong; impenetrable; resolute.
BRONZEbronze n. (Uncountable) A naturally occurring or man-made alloy of copper, usually in combination with tin, but…
bronze n. (Countable and uncountable) A reddish-brown colour, the colour of bronze.
bronze n. (Countable) A work of art made of bronze, especially a sculpture.
ZINEBSzinebs n. Plural of zineb.
ZINEB n. an organic fungicide.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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