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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing B, E, H and N

BEENAHbeenah n. An early form of marriage in Sri Lanka, where the man went to live with his wife’s family as a relatively…
BEENAH n. (Arabic) a form of marriage in Sri Lanka, in which the man goes to live with his wife's relatives.
BEHINDbehind prep. At or to the back or far side of.
behind prep. Less forward or advanced than; after.
behind prep. Responsible for, being the creator or controller of.
BENCHYBENCHY adj. (New Zealand) of a hillside, hollowed out in bench shapes.
BLENCHblench v. (Intransitive) To shrink; start back; give way; flinch; turn aside or fly off.
blench v. (Intransitive, of the eye) To quail.
blench v. (Transitive) To deceive; cheat.
BREHONbrehon n. (Ireland, historical) A judge or lawgiver in ancient Celtic Ireland.
BREHON n. (historical) a judge or magistrate in ancient Ireland.
HEBENSHEBEN n. (obsolete) a hard wood like stone, also EBON, EBONY.
HEBONAhebona n. Alternative form of hebenon.
HEBONA n. anything with a poisonous juice, also HEBENON.
HENBIThenbit n. Lamium amplexicaule, an annual plant with pink or purple flowers and deeply crenate leaves.
HENBIT n. either of two low-growing weeds with roundish shallowly lobed leaves.
LABNEHlabneh n. Yogurt that has been strained to filter or remove the whey and thus has a consistency between that of…
LABNEH n. (Arabic) a kind of soft cheese produced by straining yogurt.
NEBISHnebish n. Alternative form of nebbish.
NEBISH n. (Yiddish) a colourless, insignificant person, also NEBBICH, NEBBISH, NEBBISHE, NEBBISHER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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