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There are 16 six-letter words containing B, E, H and I

ABEIGHABEIGH adv. (Scots) aloof.
BEHINDbehind prep. At or to the back or far side of.
behind prep. Less forward or advanced than; after.
behind prep. Responsible for, being the creator or controller of.
BESIGHbesigh v. (Transitive) To sigh over.
BESIGH v. (archaic) to sigh over.
BISHESbishes n. Plural of bish.
Bishes prop.n. Plural of Bish.
BISH n. a mistake, a blunder.
BLITHEblithe adj. Casually careless or indifferent; showing a lack of concern.
blithe adj. (Chiefly Scotland, elsewhere dated or literary) Cheerful, happy.
Blithe prop.n. A river in Staffordshire, England, which joins the River Trent.
BOTHIEbothie n. Alternative form of bothy.
BOTHIE n. (Scots) a hut, cabin, also BOTHY.
BUSHIEbushie n. (Australia, colloquial) Someone who lives in or is familiar with the Australian outback; a bushman or bushwoman.
Bushie n. (US, politics) A political supporter or fan of U.S. President Bush (either Bush 43, or Bush 41, or both…
BUSHIE n. one who lives in the bush, also BUSHY.
EPHEBIephebi n. Plural of ephebe.
EPHEBUS n. (Latin) a young man of ancient Greece, also EPHEBE, EPHEBOS.
HABILEhabile adj. Generally able or adroit; handy.
HABILE adj. (French) dexterous; adroit.
HENBIThenbit n. Lamium amplexicaule, an annual plant with pink or purple flowers and deeply crenate leaves.
HENBIT n. either of two low-growing weeds with roundish shallowly lobed leaves.
KIBBEHkibbeh n. A form of dumpling, from the Levant, made of spiced lamb and bulgur wheat.
KIBBEH n. (Arabic) an Eastern dish of ground lamb and crushed wheat, also KIBBE, KIBBI.
KIRBEHkirbeh n. (Historical) An animal-skin bag used to carry water in the Middle East.
KIRBEH n. (Arabic) an Eastern water container made from hide.
NEBISHnebish n. Alternative form of nebbish.
NEBISH n. (Yiddish) a colourless, insignificant person, also NEBBICH, NEBBISH, NEBBISHE, NEBBISHER.
THIBETthibet n. Alternative form of tibet (“woolen fabric”).
Thibet prop.n. Obsolete form of Tibet.
THIBET n. a fabric made of coarse goat's hair.
THIBLEthible n. (UK, dialect, obsolete) A stick for stirring food.
THIBLE n. a porridge-stick, also THIVEL.
ZIBETHzibeth n. Alternative form of zibet.
ZIBETH n. (Arabic) a civet cat, also ZIBET.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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