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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 13 six-letter words containing B, C, I and T

BALTICbaltic adj. Alternative letter-case form of Baltic (“very cold”).
Baltic adj. Of or pertaining to the Baltic region or the Baltic Sea.
Baltic adj. Of or pertaining to any of the Baltic languages.
BIATCHbiatch n. (Derogatory, slang) Alternative form of bitch.
BIATCH n. (slang) a bitch, also BIACH, BITCH.
BIOTICbiotic adj. (Biology) Of, pertaining to, or produced by life or living organisms.
biotic adj. Misspelling of biontic.
biotic n. A nutritional substance that improves the health of gastrointestinal microorganisms, especially one…
BISECTbisect v. (Transitive) To cut or divide into two parts.
bisect n. (Geometry) A bisector, which divides into two equal parts.
bisect n. (Philately) An envelope, card, or fragment thereof showing an affixed cut half of a regular issued stamp…
BITCHYbitchy adj. (Colloquial) Spiteful or malevolent; catty; malicious; unpleasant.
bitchy adj. (Colloquial) Irritable.
BITCHY adj. catty.
BRICHTBRICHT adj. (Scots) bright.
BUSTICbustic n. A tree native to Florida and the Caribbean, Sideroxylon salicifolium.
BUSTIC n. a species of tropical tree.
CABRITcabrit n. Alternative form of cabrée.
CABRIT n. (Spanish) a pronghorn antelope, also CABRIE.
CUBISTcubist adj. Alternative letter-case form of Cubist.
cubist n. Alternative letter-case form of Cubist.
cubist n. A player of Rubik’s cube; a cuber.
CUBITIcubiti n. Plural of cubitus.
CUBITUS n. an old measure of length, also CUBIT.
CUBITScubits n. Plural of cubit, an ancient unit of measurement.
CUBIT n. an old measure of length, also CUBITUS.
TERBICterbic adj. (Chemistry) Of, pertaining to, or containing, terbium.
TERBIC adj. (Swedish) pertaining to the element terbium.
TOMBICtombic adj. Of or relating to tombs.
TOMBIC adj. pertaining to a tomb, also TOMBAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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