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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 13 six-letter words containing B, C, I and M

AMEBICamebic adj. Alternative form of amoebic.
AMEBIC adj. pertaining to an ameba, also AMOEBIC.
BROMICbromic adj. (Chemistry) of, or relating to bromine or its compounds, especially those in which it has a valency of five.
BROMIC adj. as in bromic acid, an acid derived from bromine.
CAMBIAcambia n. Plural of cambium.
CAMBIUM n. a layer of plant tissue.
CHIMBSchimbs n. Plural of chimb.
CHIMB n. the rim at the ends of a cask, formed by the ends of the staves.
CLIMBSclimbs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of climb.
climbs n. Plural of climb.
CLIMB v. to ascend.
COMBIScombis n. Plural of combi.
COMBI n. a vessel or vehicle which can carry passengers or cargo.
CUBISMcubism n. (Often capitalized) An artistic movement in the early 20th Century characterized by the depiction of…
CUBISM n. an art style.
CUMBIAcumbia n. A traditional style of Colombian dance and music, or a piece in this style.
CUMBIA n. a Columbian style of music.
EMBLICemblic n. The fruit of Emblica officinalis (now Phyllanthus emblica, the Indian gooseberry, once used as a remedy…
EMBLIC n. (Arabic) a tree of the euphorbia family, native to tropical Asia.
IAMBICiambic adj. (Prosody) Consisting of iambs (metrical feet with an unstressed-stressed pattern) or characterized by…
iambic n. (Prosody) An iamb; a line or group of lines of iambs.
ïambic adj. Rare spelling of iambic.
LIMBEClimbec v. (Obsolete, transitive) To distill.
limbec n. An alembic; a still.
LIMBEC n. (Spenser) an old distilling apparatus, also LIMBECK.
LIMBIClimbic adj. (Neuroanatomy) Relating to the limbic system.
LIMBIC adj. pertaining to a system of the brain.
TOMBICtombic adj. Of or relating to tombs.
TOMBIC adj. pertaining to a tomb, also TOMBAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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