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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 14 six-letter words containing B, C, I and L

ABULICabulic adj. (Psychiatry) Relating to, characterized by, or affected with abulia.
abulic n. Person afflicted with abulia.
ABULIC adj. pertaining to loss of willpower.
BALTICbaltic adj. Alternative letter-case form of Baltic (“very cold”).
Baltic adj. Of or pertaining to the Baltic region or the Baltic Sea.
Baltic adj. Of or pertaining to any of the Baltic languages.
BEYLICbeylic n. The territory under the jurisdiction of a bey.
BEYLIC n. (Turkish) the domain of a bey, also BEYLIK.
CHIBOLchibol n. (Obsolete) Alternative form of cibol (“spring onion; Welsh onion”).
CHIBOL n. a variety of onion, aka spring onion, also CIBOL, CIBOULE, SYBO, SYBOE, SYBOW.
CIBOLScibols n. Plural of cibol.
CIBOL n. a variety of onion, aka spring onion, also CHIBOL, CIBOULE, SYBO, SYBOE, SYBOW.
CLIMBSclimbs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of climb.
climbs n. Plural of climb.
CLIMB v. to ascend.
COLOBICOLOBUS n. (Greek) a long-tailed monkey.
CRIBLECRIBLE n. (French) a method of engraving in which holes or indentations are made in the surface of a material.
EMBLICemblic n. The fruit of Emblica officinalis (now Phyllanthus emblica, the Indian gooseberry, once used as a remedy…
EMBLIC n. (Arabic) a tree of the euphorbia family, native to tropical Asia.
LESBIClesbic adj. Pertaining to love between women; lesbian; sapphic.
LESBIC adj. lesbian.
LIMBEClimbec v. (Obsolete, transitive) To distill.
limbec n. An alembic; a still.
LIMBEC n. (Spenser) an old distilling apparatus, also LIMBECK.
LIMBIClimbic adj. (Neuroanatomy) Relating to the limbic system.
LIMBIC adj. pertaining to a system of the brain.
LUBRIClubric adj. (Obsolete) Having a smooth surface; slippery.
lubric adj. (Obsolete) Lascivious; wanton; lewd.
LUBRIC adj. (archaic) lubricious, also LUBRICAL, LUBRICOUS.
PUBLICpublic adj. Able to be seen or known by everyone; open to general view, happening without concealment.
public adj. Pertaining to the people as a whole (as opposed to a private group); concerning the whole country, community etc.
public adj. Officially representing the community; carried out or funded by the state on behalf of the community.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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