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There are 15 six-letter words containing B, C, E and H

BACHEDbached v. Simple past tense and past participle of bach.
BACH v. to live as a bachelor.
BACHESbaches n. Plural of bach.
BACH v. to live as a bachelor.
BEACHYbeachy adj. Pertaining to the material making up the edge of a seashore, as with pebbles, gravel, and sand.
beachy adj. Pertaining to a beach or something beach-like.
Beachy prop.n. A surname.
BEECHYbeechy adj. Of or relating to beech trees.
Beechy prop.n. A surname.
BEECHY adj. abounding in beeches.
BENCHYBENCHY adj. (New Zealand) of a hillside, hollowed out in bench shapes.
BETCHAbetcha cont. (Informal) Pronunciation spelling of bet you.
betcha cont. (Pronunciation spelling, informal) Can be sure of it.
Betcha prop.n. A female given name.
BLEACHbleach adj. (Archaic) Pale; bleak.
bleach v. (Transitive) To treat with bleach, especially so as to whiten (Fabric, paper, etc.) or lighten (hair).
bleach v. (Intransitive) To be whitened or lightened (by the sun, for example).
BLENCHblench v. (Intransitive) To shrink; start back; give way; flinch; turn aside or fly off.
blench v. (Intransitive, of the eye) To quail.
blench v. (Transitive) To deceive; cheat.
BOUCHEbouche n. (Obsolete) An allowance of food and drink for the tables of inferior officers or servants in a nobleman’s…
bouche v. Alternative form of bush (to line).
bouche n. Alternative form of bush (a lining).
BREACHbreach n. A gap or opening made by breaking or battering, as in a wall, fortification or levee / embankment; the…
breach n. A breaking up of amicable relations, a falling-out.
breach n. A breaking of waters, as over a vessel or a coastal defence; the waters themselves.
BREECHbreech n. (Historical, now only in the plural) A garment whose purpose is to cover or clothe the buttocks.
breech n. (Now rare) The buttocks or backside.
breech n. (Firearms) The part of a cannon or other firearm behind the chamber.
BROCHEbroche n. Obsolete form of brooch.
broche v. Obsolete form of broach.
broché adj. Woven with a figure.
CHEBECchebec n. Alternative form of xebec.
chebec n. A small American bird (Empidonax minimus); the least flycatcher.
CHEBEC n. a small American bird, the least flycatcher.
CHERUBcherub n. (Biblical) A winged creature attending God, described by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (c. 5th–6th…
cherub n. An artistic depiction of such a being, typically in the form of a winged child or a child’s head with…
cherub n. (Figuratively) A person, especially a child, seen as being particularly angelic or innocent.
OBECHEobeche n. Triplochiton scleroxylon, a tropical tree of Africa.
obeche n. The wood of this tree; whitish yellow in colour and easy to process.
OBECHE n. a large West African tree or its whitish wood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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