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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 8 six-letter words containing B, C, D and O

BOCKEDBOCK v. to belch, also BOKE, BOAK.
BODACHbodach n. A trickster or bogeyman figure in Gaelic folklore.
BODACH n. (Gaelic) an old man, a churl; a goblin or spectre.
BODICEbodice n. A sleeveless shirt for women, sometimes provided with detachable sleeves.
bodice n. Blouse; any shirt for women, particularly the upper part of a two-piece dress or European folk costume.
bodice n. The upper portion of a women’s one-piece dress, equivalent to a shirt.
BONDUCbonduc n. Nicker tree.
BONDUC n. (Arabic) the seed of a tropical leguminous tree, aka nicker or nickar.
CEBOIDceboid adj. Of or relating to any member of the superfamily (Ceboidea) of monkeys, believed to have evolved from…
ceboid n. Any member of this superfamily.
CEBOID n. one of a family of monkeys, also CEBID.
COBBEDcobbed adj. Broken, cut or trimmed into pieces of a convenient size, or formed into small blocks; cobbled.
cobbed adj. Remaining on, or taken from the cob, (as in "cobbed corn").
cobbed adj. Built of mud cobbles, and sealed with mud or an artificial equivalent.
COMBEDcombed adj. Arranged or groomed with a comb.
combed v. Simple past tense and past participle of comb.
combed adj. Having a comb or crest.
CUBOIDcuboid adj. Of the shape of a cube.
cuboid n. (Anatomy) The cuboid bone.
cuboid n. (Geometry) A parallelepiped having six rectangular faces.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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