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There are 17 six-letter words containing 2B and 2O

BABOOLbabool n. Alternative form of babul.
BABOOL n. (Hindi) a species of acacia from which gum arabic is obtained, also BABLAH, BABUL.
BABOONbaboon n. An Old World monkey of the genus Papio, having dog-like muzzles and large canine teeth, cheek pouches…
baboon n. (Colloquial, derogatory) A foolish or boorish person.
BABOON n. a large ape.
BABOOSbaboos n. Plural of baboo.
BABOO n. (Hindi) a native clerk who writes English; also, a Hindu title answering to Mr. or Esquire, also BABU.
BAMBOObamboo n. A fast-growing grass of the Bambusoideae subfamily, characterised by its woody, hollow, round, straight, jointed stem.
bamboo n. (Uncountable) The wood of the bamboo plant as a material for building, furniture, etc.
bamboo n. (Countable) A stick, rod, pole, or cane of bamboo, especially one used for corporal punishment.
BOBOLSBOBOL v. to commit a type of fraud carried out by one with access to public funds.
BOMBOSBOMBO n. (Australian slang) cheap wine.
BONBONbonbon n. A sweet, especially a small chocolate-covered candy.
bonbon n. (Cooking) A small, spherical savory snack or canapé.
bonbon n. (Australia, South Africa) A Christmas cracker.
BONOBObonobo n. The pygmy chimpanzee, Pan paniscus, from Africa south of the Congo river.
BONOBO n. a chimpanzee-like primate.
BOOBEDboobed v. Simple past tense and past participle of boob.
boobed adj. (Informal, in composition) Having boobs (breasts) of a specified kind.
BOOB v. to make a mistake.
BOOBIEboobie n. Alternative spelling of booby (“a woman’s breast”).
BOOBIE n. (slang) a breast.
BOOBOObooboo n. Alternative spelling of boo-boo.
boo-boo n. (Countable, colloquial, often childish) A mistake or error.
boo-boo n. (Countable, colloquial, childish, by or to young children) A minor injury, such as a cut or a bruise.
BOSBOKbosbok n. Alternative form of bushbuck.
BOSBOK n. (South African) a kind of antelope, the bushbuck, also BOSCHBOK, BOSHBOK, BUSHBUCK.
BOUBOUboubou n. A flowing wide-sleeved robe worn by men in much of West Africa, and to a lesser extent in North Africa.
boubou n. Any of certain species of birds in the bushshrike genus Laniarius.
BOUBOU n. a long flowing garment worn in Mali, also BUBU.
HABOOBhaboob n. A violent sandstorm or duststorm in the deserts of Arabia, North Africa, India, or North America.
HABOOB n. (Arabic) a violent dust storm or sandstorm, esp. in Sudan along the southern edges of the Sahara.
HOBJOBhobjob n. An odd job; temporary, unspecialized employment.
hobjob v. (Intransitive) To carry out odd jobs.
HOBJOB v. (dialect) to do odd jobs.
HOBNOBhobnob n. (Obsolete) A toast made while touching glasses together.
hobnob n. A drinking together.
hobnob n. An informal chat.
YOBBOSyobbos n. Plural of yobbo.
YOBBO n. (slang) a yob, a hoodlum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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