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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 14 six-letter words containing 2B, I and S

BABIESbabies n. Plural of baby.
babies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of baby.
BABY v. to treat like a baby.
BAMBISBAMBI n. (colloquial) a born again middle aged biker.
BIBLESbibles n. Plural of bible.
Bibles prop.n. Plural of Bible.
Bibles n. Plural of Bible.
BILBOSbilbos n. Plural of bilbo.
BILBO n. (Spanish) a rapier, also BILBOA.
BIMBOSbimbos n. Plural of bimbo.
BIMBOs n. Plural of BIMBO.
BIMBO n. (offensive) a woman who is attractive but dim witted.
BRIBESbribes n. Plural of bribe.
bribes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bribe.
BRIBE v. to influence by offering a reward.
BUBKISbubkis n. Alternative form of bupkis.
BUBKIS n. (Yiddish) a very small amount, also BUBKES, BUPKES, BUPKIS, BUPKUS.
JIBBASJIBBA n. a long loose outer garment worn by Muslims, also DJIBBA, DJIBBAH, JIBBAH, JUBBAH, JUBHAH.
KIBBESkibbes n. Plural of kibbe.
Kibbes prop.n. Plural of Kibbe.
KIBBE n. (Arabic) an Eastern dish of ground lamb and crushed wheat, also KIBBEH, KIBBI.
KIBBISkibbis n. Plural of kibbi.
KIBBI n. (Arabic) an Eastern dish of ground lamb and crushed wheat, also KIBBE, KIBBEH.
RABBISrabbis n. Plural of rabbi.
Rabbis n. Plural of Rabbi.
RABBI n. (Hebrew) a Jewish expounder or doctor of the law, also RABBIN.
SKIBOBskibob n. A bicycle-type frame attached to skis instead of wheels, used in the sport of skibobbing.
skibob v. (Intransitive) To take part in the sport of skibobbing.
SKIBOB v. to travel in a sleigh-type vehicle over snow.
SUBBIEsubbie n. (Colloquial) A subcontractor.
subbie n. (BDSM, slang) A submissive.
SUBBIE n. (Australian slang) a subcontractor, esp. in the construction industry, also SUBBY.
TABBISTABBIS n. a silk fabric.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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