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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 15 six-letter words containing 2B, I and O

BILBOABILBOA n. (Spanish) a rapier, also BILBO.
BILBOSbilbos n. Plural of bilbo.
BILBO n. (Spanish) a rapier, also BILBOA.
BIMBOSbimbos n. Plural of bimbo.
BIMBOs n. Plural of BIMBO.
BIMBO n. (offensive) a woman who is attractive but dim witted.
BOBBINbobbin n. A spool or cylinder around which wire is coiled.
bobbin n. In a sewing machine, the small spool that holds the lower thread.
bobbin n. The little rounded piece of wood at the end of a latch string, which is pulled to raise the latch.
BOBWIGbobwig n. Alternative form of bob wig.
bob␣wig n. A short wig with bobs or short curls.
BOBWIG n. a wig with short turned up curls.
BOOBIEboobie n. Alternative spelling of booby (“a woman’s breast”).
BOOBIE n. (slang) a breast.
DOBBIEdobbie n. Alternative spelling of dobby.
Dobbie prop.n. A surname originating as a patronymic.
DOBBIE n. a loom attachment which can weave small figures, also DOBBY.
DOBBINdobbin n. An old jaded horse.
dobbin n. (UK, dialect, uncountable) Sea gravel mixed with sand.
dobbin n. (Dated, slang, among students) Synonym of horse (illegitimate study aid).
GIBBONgibbon n. A small ape of the family Hylobatidae with long limbs, which it uses to travel through rainforests by…
Gibbon prop.n. A surname.
GIBBON n. any of various small long-armed tailless arboreal apes of SE Asia.
HOBBIThobbit n. A member of a fictional race of small humanoids with shaggy hair and hairy feet.
hobbit n. An extinct species of hominin, Homo floresiensis, with a short body and relatively small brain, fossils…
hobbit n. A Welsh unit of weight, equal to four Welsh pecks, or 168 pounds.
JOBBIEjobbie n. (In particular Scotland, slang) Faeces; a piece of excrement.
jobbie n. (Informal) Generic object, thing.
jobbie n. (UK, informal) A job, normally a task rather than a form of employment for which one is paid.
MOBBIEMOBBIE n. (Caribbean) a frothy beverage made from boiled tree-bark, also MAUBY, MOBBY.
RIBBONribbon n. A long, narrow strip of material used for decoration of clothing or the hair or gift wrapping.
ribbon n. An awareness ribbon.
ribbon n. An inked strip of material against which type is pressed to print letters in a typewriter or printer.
ROBBINrobbin n. A kind of package in which pepper and other dry commodities are sometimes exported from the East Indies.
robbin n. The spring of a carriage.
robbin n. (Nautical) Alternative form of ropeband.
SKIBOBskibob n. A bicycle-type frame attached to skis instead of wheels, used in the sport of skibobbing.
skibob v. (Intransitive) To take part in the sport of skibobbing.
SKIBOB v. to travel in a sleigh-type vehicle over snow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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