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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 16 six-letter words containing 2B, I and L

BIBBLEbibble v. To eat and/or drink noisily.
bibble v. (Intransitive) To tipple.
bibble v. (Colloquial) To worry.
BIBFULBIBFUL n. as in to spill a bibful, to divulge secrets.
BIBLESbibles n. Plural of bible.
Bibles prop.n. Plural of Bible.
Bibles n. Plural of Bible.
BILBOABILBOA n. (Spanish) a rapier, also BILBO.
BILBOSbilbos n. Plural of bilbo.
BILBO n. (Spanish) a rapier, also BILBOA.
BIMBLEbimble n. (Chiefly Britain) A gentle, meandering walk with no particular haste or purpose.
bimble v. (Chiefly Britain, intransitive) To walk with no particular haste or purpose.
BIMBLE adj. (Native Australian) as in bimble box, a type of dense Australian tree.
BULBILbulbil n. (Botany) A bulb-shaped bud in the place of a flower or in a leaf axil.
bulbil n. (Anatomy) A small hollow bulb, such as an enlargement in a small vessel or tube.
BULBIL n. a small bulb, also BULBEL, BULBLET.
DIBBLEdibble n. A pointed implement used to make holes in the ground in which to set out plants or to plant seeds.
dibble v. (Transitive) To make holes or plant seeds using, or as if using, a dibble.
dibble v. (Intransitive) To use a dibble; to make holes in the soil.
JILBABjilbab n. A long, loose-fitting coat or similar garment worn by some Muslim women to fulfil hijab.
JILBAB n. (Arabic) a long robe worn by Muslim women.
KIBBLEkibble v. To grind coarsely.
kibble n. Something that has been kibbled, especially grain for use as animal feed.
kibble n. Any artificial animal feed in pellet form.
LIBBEDlibbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of lib.
LIB v. to geld.
LIBBERlibber n. (Colloquial) One who supports liberation for some group.
LIBBER n. (short for) a liberationist.
LIBLABLib-Lab n. (UK politics, historical) A Liberal candidate who was financially maintained by trade unions and supposed…
LIBLAB n. a person supporting a coalition of liberal and labour groups.
NIBBLEnibble n. A small, quick bite taken with the front teeth.
nibble n. (In the plural, nibbles) Small snacks such as crisps/potato chips or nuts, often eaten to accompany drinks.
nibble v. (Transitive, intransitive) To eat with small, quick bites.
NIBBLYnibbly adj. (Informal) Prone to, or suitable for, nibbling.
nibbly n. (Informal) Any food suitable for nibbling, snack food.
NIBBLY n. a small food item.
WIBBLEwibble n. (Britain, slang) Meaningless or content-free chatter in a discussion; drivel, babble.
wibble n. (Britain, computing) Used as the name of a metasyntactic variable.
wibble v. (Britain, Internet slang) To make meaningless comments.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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