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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing 2B, E and T

BARBETbarbet n. Any of numerous arboreal birds of the families Capitonidae, Lybiidae, and Megalaimidae, within the order Piciformes.
barbet n. A dog of a small-bodied breed with long curly hair.
barbet n. Any larva of an indefinite number of species of the beetle family Coccinellidae, that is covered in…
BOBLETBOBLET n. a two-man bobsleigh.
EBBETSEBBET n. a common green newt.
GIBBETgibbet n. An upright post with a crosspiece used for execution and subsequent public display.
gibbet n. The projecting arm of a crane, from which the load is suspended; the jib.
gibbet n. A human-shaped structure made of iron bands designed to publicly display the corpse of an executed criminal.
GOBBETgobbet n. A quantity of liquid, often in a sticky blotch.
gobbet n. A lump or chunk of something, especially of raw meat.
gobbet n. An extract of text, or image (especially a quotation), provided as a context for analysis, discussion…
RABBETrabbet n. A longitudinal channel, groove, or recess cut out of the edge or face of a plank of wood or other material;…
rabbet v. (Transitive) To cut a rabbet in a piece of material.
rabbet n. Obsolete form of rabbit.
RUBBETRUB v. to apply friction.
TABBEDtabbed adj. Having a tab (protruding strip of material).
tabbed adj. (Computing, graphical user interface) Having tabs (the user interface element).
tabbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of tab.
TEBBADtebbad n. A sandstorm.
TEBBAD n. (Persian) a sandstorm.
TUBBEDtubbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of tub.
TUB v. to wash in a large receptacle.
TUBBERtubber n. One who takes part in bathtub racing.
Tubber prop.n. A village in County Clare, Ireland.
Tubber prop.n. A small village in County Galway, Ireland.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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