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There are 16 six-letter words containing 2B, E and N

BEBUNGbebung n. (Music) A tremolo effect, such as that produced on the piano by vibratory repetition of a note with…
BEBUNG n. (German) a tremolo effect on the clavichord.
BENUMBbenumb v. (Transitive) To make numb, as by cold or anesthetic.
benumb v. (Transitive, figurative) To deaden, dull (The mind, faculties, etc.).
BENUMB v. to make numb.
EBBINGebbing v. Present participle of ebb.
ebbing n. The action of something that ebbs.
EBB v. to move back from the land, to recede.
NABBEDnabbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of nab.
NAB v. to seize.
NABBERnabber n. (Informal) One who grabs or snatches.
NABBER n. one who nabs.
NEBBEDNEB v. of birds, to touch bills.
NEBBUKnebbuk n. Alternative form of nebek.
NEBBUK n. (Arabic) a prickly shrub, the Christ's-thorn, also NABK, NEBECK, NEBEK.
NIBBEDnibbed adj. Having a nib or point.
nibbed adj. (Philately) Of a stamp: having the nib of its perforation removed or damaged.
NIB v. to provide with a penpoint.
NIBBLEnibble n. A small, quick bite taken with the front teeth.
nibble n. (In the plural, nibbles) Small snacks such as crisps/potato chips or nuts, often eaten to accompany drinks.
nibble v. (Transitive, intransitive) To eat with small, quick bites.
NOBBLEnobble v. (Britain, Australia, slang) To injure or obstruct intentionally.
nobble v. (Britain, slang) To gain influence by corrupt means or intimidation.
nobble v. (Britain, slang) To steal.
NUBBEDnubbed adj. Nubby; containing nubs.
nubbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of nub.
NUB v. (obsolete) to hang.
NUBBERnubber n. (Baseball) A batted ball that travels slowly and not very far.
NUBBER n. in baseball, a weakly hit ball.
NUBBLEnubble n. A small knob or lump.
nubble v. (Obsolete) To beat or bruise with the fist.
NUBBLE v. to beat with the fists, also KNUBBLE, KNOBBLE.
NYBBLEnybble n. (Computing) Half of a byte; i.e., four bits.
NYBBLE n. a measure of computer information, half a byte.
SNEBBESNEBBE v. to reprimand, also SNEB, SNUB, SNUBBE.
SNUBBESNUBBE n. (archaic) a snub.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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