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There are 8 five-letter words containing B, 2O and T

BHOOTbhoot n. (India) A supernatural creature, usually the ghost of a deceased person.
BHOOT n. (Hindi) a small whirlwind, also BHUT.
BOOSTboost n. A push from behind, as to one who is endeavoring to climb.
boost n. Something that helps, or adds power or effectiveness; assistance.
boost n. (Physics) A coordinate transformation that changes velocity.
BOOTHbooth n. A small stall for the display and sale of goods.
booth n. An enclosure just big enough to accommodate one standing person.
booth n. An enclosed table with seats, as in a diner or café.
BOOTSboots n. Plural of boot.
boots n. (Jamaica, slang, plural only) A condom.
boots n. (Dated) A servant at a hotel etc. who cleans and blacks the boots and shoes.
BOOTYbooty n. (Nautical) A form of prize which, when a ship was captured at sea, could be distributed at once.
booty n. Plunder taken from an enemy in time of war, or seized by piracy.
booty n. (Figuratively) Something that has been stolen or illegally obtained from elsewhere.
OOBIToobit n. (Obsolete, Northern England) A caterpillar.
OOBIT n. a hairy caterpillar, esp. of the tiger moth, also OUBIT, WOOBUT, WOUBIT.
ROBOTrobot n. (Now historical) A system of serfdom used in Central Europe, under which a tenant’s rent was paid in forced labour.
robot n. (Chiefly science fiction) An intelligent mechanical being designed to look like a human or other creature…
robot n. A machine built to carry out some complex task or group of tasks by physically moving, especially one…
TABOOtaboo n. An inhibition or ban that results from social custom or emotional aversion.
taboo n. (In Polynesia) Something which may not be used, approached or mentioned because it is sacred.
taboo adj. Excluded or forbidden from use, approach or mention.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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