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There are 15 five-letter words containing B, E, T and U

BEAUTbeaut n. (Informal) Something or someone that is physically attractive.
beaut n. (Informal) Something that is a remarkable example of its type.
beaut adj. (Dialectal, especially Australia) Beautiful, splendid.
BLUETbluet n. Any of several different plants, from several genera, having bluish flowers.
bluet n. Any of several small damselfly species, including the genera Coenagrion and Enallagma.
BLUET n. (French) a meadow flower.
BRUTEbrute adj. Without reason or intelligence (of animals).
brute adj. Characteristic of unthinking animals; senseless, unreasoning (of humans).
brute adj. Unconnected with intelligence or thought; purely material, senseless.
BURETburet n. Alternative spelling of burette.
BURET n. (French) a glass measuring tube for liquid, also BURETTE.
BUTEObuteo n. Any of the broad-winged soaring raptors of the genus Buteo.
Buteo prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Accipitridae – buzzards and hawks.
BUTEO n. (Latin) a buzzard.
BUTESButes prop.n. Plural of Bute.
BUTE n. a shortened form of Butazolidin.
BUTLEbutle v. (Rare) Alternative form of buttle.
BUTLE v. to serve as a butler.
BUTTEbutte n. (US) An isolated hill with steep sides and a flat top.
Butte prop.n. (Countable) A surname.
Butte prop.n. A placename.
DEBUTdebut n. A performer’s first performance to the public, in sport, the arts or some other area.
debut n. (Also attributive) The first public presentation of a theatrical play, motion picture, opera, musical…
debut n. The first appearance of a debutante in society.
REBUTrebut v. To drive back or beat back; to repulse.
rebut v. To deny the truth of something, especially by presenting arguments that disprove it.
REBUT v. to prove to be false or erroneous.
TAUBETAUBE n. (German) a German monoplane with recurved wings.
TUBAEtubae n. Plural of tuba (in certain senses).
TUBA n. (Latin) a brass wind instrument.
TUBEDtubed adj. Possessing a tube or tubes.
tubed v. Simple past tense and past participle of tube.
TUBE v. to fit with a long hollow pipe.
TUBERtuber n. A fleshy, thickened underground stem of a plant, usually containing stored starch, for example a potato or arrowroot.
tuber n. (Horticulture) A thickened rootstock.
tuber n. (Anatomy) A rounded, protuberant structure in a human or animal body.
TUBEStubes n. Plural of tube.
tubes n. (Internet slang) The Internet.
tubes n. (Slang) The inner workings of one’s body.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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