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There are 15 five-letter words containing B, E, R and Y

BARYEbarye n. (Physics) A unit of pressure under the CGS system; symbol Ba; equal to 1 dyne per square centimeter…
BARYE n. a unit of pressure.
BAYERbayer adj. Comparative form of bay: more bay.
Bayer prop.n. A surname.
Bayer prop.n. A German multinational life science, chemical, and pharmaceutical company.
BEERYbeery adj. Smelling or tasting of beer.
beery adj. Under the influence of beer.
Beery prop.n. A surname from Irish.
BERAYberay v. To make foul; befoul; soil.
BERAY v. (obsolete) to befoul.
BERRYberry n. A small succulent fruit, of any one of many varieties.
berry n. (Botany) A soft fruit which develops from a single ovary and contains seeds not encased in pits.
berry n. A coffee bean.
BERYLberyl n. (Uncountable, mineralogy) A mineral of pegmatite deposits, often used as a gemstone.
beryl n. (Countable) An example (a stone) of the mineral beryl.
beryl n. (Uncountable) A dull blueish green colour.
BREYSBreys prop.n. Plural of Brey.
BREY v. (South African) to pronounce r sound at the back of the throat, also BREI.
BUYERbuyer n. A person who makes one or more purchases.
buyer n. (Retailing) A person who purchases items for resale in a retail establishment.
buyer n. (Manufacturing) A person who purchases items consumed or used as components in the manufacture of products.
BYRESbyres n. Plural of byre.
BYRE n. a cow shed.
CYBERcyber adj. Of, or having to do with, the Internet; alternative spelling of cyber-.
cyber adj. (Informal) Cybergoth.
cyber v. (Slang) To engage in cybersex.
DERBYderby n. Any of several annual horse races.
derby n. (By extension) Any organized race.
derby n. (US) A bowler hat.
HERBYherby adj. Of or pertaining to herbs.
herby adj. (Of food or drink) Full of herbal aroma or flavour.
HERBY adj. abounding with herbs.
REBUYrebuy v. To buy again, especially to buy something previously sold (or pawned).
rebuy n. A type of poker tournament that allows players to purchase more chips during the course of the tournament.
REBUY v. to buy again.
YBOREybore v. (Obsolete) past participle of bear: bore, born.
BEAR v. to endure.
YERBAyerba n. Ilex paraguariensis, a species of holly native to southern South America; or the dried leaves and twigs…
YERBA n. (Spanish) an infusion of the leaves of a South American shrub.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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