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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 12 five-letter words containing B, E, R and T

BERETberet n. A type of round, brimless cap with a soft top and a headband to secure it to the head; usually culturally…
BERET n. a flat round woollen cap, also BERRET.
BERTHberth n. A fixed bunk for sleeping (in caravans, trains, etc).
berth n. Room for maneuvering or safety. (Often used in the phrase a wide berth.)
berth n. A space for a ship to moor or a vehicle to park.
BITERbiter n. Agent noun of bite; someone or something who tends to bite.
biter n. (Fishing) A fish that tends to take bait.
biter n. (Curling) A stone that barely touches the outside of the house.
BLERTBLERT n. (colloquial) a foolish person.
BRENTbrent n. Alternative form of brant.
brent adj. Alternative form of brant.
brent v. Obsolete spelling of burnt.
BRUTEbrute adj. Without reason or intelligence (of animals).
brute adj. Characteristic of unthinking animals; senseless, unreasoning (of humans).
brute adj. Unconnected with intelligence or thought; purely material, senseless.
BURETburet n. Alternative spelling of burette.
BURET n. (French) a glass measuring tube for liquid, also BURETTE.
REBITrebit v. Simple past tense of rebite.
rebit n. (Physics) Any of an arbitrary number of quantum mechanical binary states that are maximally entangled…
REBITE v. in engraving, to freshen a plate by a new application of acid.
REBUTrebut v. To drive back or beat back; to repulse.
rebut v. To deny the truth of something, especially by presenting arguments that disprove it.
REBUT v. to prove to be false or erroneous.
TABERtaber n. (Music) Obsolete spelling of tabor.
taber v. Obsolete spelling of tabor.
Taber prop.n. A surname.
TRIBEtribe n. A socially, ethnically, or politically cohesive group of people.
tribe n. (Anthropology) A society larger than a band or clan (and which may contain clans) but smaller than a…
tribe n. (Zoology) A group of apes who live and work together.
TUBERtuber n. A fleshy, thickened underground stem of a plant, usually containing stored starch, for example a potato or arrowroot.
tuber n. (Horticulture) A thickened rootstock.
tuber n. (Anatomy) A rounded, protuberant structure in a human or animal body.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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