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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 9 five-letter words containing B, E, G and U

BEGUMbegum v. (Transitive) To daub or cover with gum.
begum n. A high-ranking Muslim woman, especially in South Asia.
begum n. The form of address for such a woman.
BEGUNbegun v. Past participle of begin.
begun v. (Obsolete or nonstandard) simple past tense of begin.
Begun prop.n. A surname.
BOGUEbogue n. A species of seabream native to the eastern Atlantic, Boops boops.
bogue n. A bayou or waterway.
bogue v. (Nautical) To fall off from the wind; to edge away to leeward.
BOUGEbouge n. (Now historical) The right to rations at court, granted to the king’s household, attendants etc.
bouge v. To swell out.
bouge v. To bilge.
BUDGEbudge v. (Intransitive) To move; to be shifted from a fixed position.
budge v. (Transitive) To move; to shift from a fixed position.
budge v. To yield in one’s opinions or beliefs.
BUGLEbugle n. A horn used by hunters.
bugle n. A simple brass instrument consisting of a horn with no valves, playing only pitches in its harmonic series.
bugle n. Anything shaped like a bugle, round or conical and having a bell on one end.
BULGEbulge n. Something sticking out from a surface; a swelling, protuberant part; a bending outward, especially when…
bulge n. The bilge or protuberant part of a cask.
bulge n. (Nautical) The bilge of a vessel.
DEBUGdebug v. (Computer science) To search for and eliminate malfunctioning elements or errors in something, especially…
debug v. (Electronics) To remove a hidden electronic surveillance device from (somewhere).
debug v. (US) To remove insects from (somewhere), especially lice.
GEBURgebur n. (Historical) In Anglo-Saxon law, the owner of an allotment or yard-land, usually consisting of 30 acres; a villein.
GEBUR n. (historical) a tenant-farmer in the pre-Conquest English community.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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