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There are 20 five-letter words containing B, 2E and L

ABELEabele n. The white poplar (Populus alba).
ABELE n. (Dutch) the white poplar tree.
ALBEEAlbee prop.n. A surname.
ALBEE conj. (archaic) albeit, also ALBE, ALBEIT.
BEDELbedel n. (Historical) An administrative official at universities in several European countries, often with a…
Bedel prop.n. A surname from French.
BEDEL n. (obsolete) a minor parish official whose duties include ushering and preserving order, also BEADLE, BEDELL.
BELEEBELEE v. (Shakespeare) to put on the lee side.
BELIEbelie v. (Transitive, obsolete) To lie around; encompass.
belie v. (Transitive, obsolete, of an army) To surround; beleaguer.
belie v. (Transitive, archaic) To tell lies about.
BELLEbelle n. An attractive woman.
belle n. A fellow gay man. (dated)
Belle prop.n. A female given name from French.
BETELbetel n. Either of two plants often used in combination…
betel n. A quid (chewing preparation) containing these and other plant materials; paan.
BETEL n. (Malay) the leaf of the betel-pepper which is chewed in the East along with the areca-nut and lime.
BEVELbevel n. An edge that is canted, one that is not a 90-degree angle; a chamfer.
bevel n. An instrument consisting of two rules or arms, jointed together at one end, and opening to any angle…
bevel n. (Gambling) A die used for cheating, having some sides slightly rounded instead of flat.
BEZELbezel n. The sloping edge or face on a cutting tool.
bezel n. The oblique side or face of a cut gem; especially the upper faceted portion of a brilliant (diamond)…
bezel n. The rim and flange which encompasses and fastens a jewel or other object, such as the crystal of a watch…
BLEEDbleed v. (Intransitive, of a person, animal or body part) To lose blood through an injured blood vessel.
bleed v. (Transitive) To let or draw blood from.
bleed v. (Transitive) To take large amounts of money from.
BLEEPbleep n. A brief high-pitched sound, as from some electronic device.
bleep n. (Euphemistic) Something named by an explicit noun in the original, unedited version of the containing sentence.
bleep n. (Music, slang, uncountable) A broad genre of electronic music with goth and industrial influences, as…
BLEESblees n. Plural of blee.
Blees prop.n. Plural of Blee.
BLEE n. (archaic) complexion.
CELEBceleb n. (Informal) A celebrity; a famous person.
CELEB n. (short for) a celebrity.
DEBELdebel v. (Obsolete, transitive) To conquer.
DEBEL v. to conquer in war.
GLEBEglebe n. Turf; soil; ground; sod.
glebe n. (Historical) In medieval Europe, an area of land, belonging to a parish, whose revenues contributed…
glebe n. (Poetic) A field or meadow.
JEBELjebel n. A hill, a mountain (especially in the Middle East or North Africa).
JEBEL n. (Arabic) a hill, a range of mountains, also DJEBEL.
LEBENLEBEN n. (Arabic) a kind of Eastern yogurt.
NEBELnebel n. (Obsolete, music) A Hebrew stringed instrument, possibly the same as the nabla.
NEBEL n. (Hebrew) a Hebrew instrument, apparently a harp.
PLEBEplebe n. (Historical, usually in the plural) A plebeian, a member of the lower class of Roman citizens.
plebe n. (Historical, obsolete) The plebs, the plebeian class.
plebe n. (Obsolete) The similar lower class of any area.
REBELrebel n. A person who resists an established authority, often violently.
rebel n. (US, historical) Synonym of Confederate: a citizen of the Confederate States of America, especially…
rebel v. (Intransitive) To resist or become defiant toward an authority.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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