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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing B, F, S and Y

BUTTERFLYFISHbutterflyfish n. Any of a group of conspicuous tropical marine fish of the family Chaetodontidae; the bannerfish and…
butterfly␣fish n. Any fish of the family Chaetodontidae.
butterfly␣fish n. Pantodon buchholzi, a small brown fish of western African streams, often found in aquariums.
CONFUSABILITYconfusability n. The condition of being confusable.
CONFUSABILITY n. the quality of being confusable.
DEFEASIBILITYdefeasibility n. State or instance of being defeasible.
DEFEASIBILITY n. the quality of being defeasible.
DEFENSIBILITYdefensibility n. The state or quality of being defensible.
DEFENSIBILITY n. the quality of being defensible.
DIFFUSIBILITYdiffusibility n. (Physics, of a gas or other fluid) A measure of the speed of diffusion.
diffusibility n. (Figuratively, e.g. of a disease) Capacity for spreading.
DIFFUSIBILITY n. the state of being diffusible.
DISYLLABIFIEDdisyllabified v. Simple past tense and past participle of disyllabify.
disyllabified adj. (Rare) Made disyllabic; pronounced as two syllables.
DISYLLABIFY v. to make into two syllables.
DISYLLABIFIESdisyllabifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disyllabify.
DISYLLABIFY v. to make into two syllables.
FIBRINOLYSINSfibrinolysins n. Plural of fibrinolysin.
FIBRINOLYSIN n. any of several proteolytic enzymes that promote the dissolution of blood clots.
FIBROMYALGIASfibromyalgias n. Plural of fibromyalgia.
FIBROMYALGIA n. any of a group of rheumatic disorders affecting soft tissues.
FLAMBOYANCIESflamboyancies n. Plural of flamboyancy.
FLAMBOYANCY n. the state of being flamboyant, also FLAMBOYANCE.
INFEASIBILITYinfeasibility n. The state of being infeasible or impractical.
INFEASIBILITY n. the state of being infeasible.
MYELOFIBROSESmyelofibroses n. Plural of myelofibrosis.
MYELOFIBROSIS n. an anemic condition in which bone marrow becomes fibrotic.
MYELOFIBROSISmyelofibrosis n. Collagen deposition by fibroblasts in the bone marrow, whether primary or secondary to other causes…
MYELOFIBROSIS n. an anemic condition in which bone marrow becomes fibrotic.
SUBJECTIFYINGsubjectifying v. Present participle of subjectify.
SUBJECTIFY v. to make subjective.
UNFASHIONABLYunfashionably adv. In an unfashionable manner.
UNFASHIONABLE adv. not in keeping with the current fashion.
UNFORESEEABLYunforeseeably adv. In an unforeseeable manner; without the possibility of being predicted.
UNJUSTIFIABLYunjustifiably adv. In an unjustifiable manner.
UNJUSTIFIABLE adv. not justifiable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 125 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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