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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing B, N, T and X

BEATBOXINGSBEATBOXING n. a form of hip-hop music in which the voice is used to simulate percussion instruments.
BICONVEXITYbiconvexity n. The quality of being biconvex.
BICONVEXITY n. the state of being biconvex.
EXHIBITIONSexhibitions n. Plural of exhibition.
EXHIBITION n. an act or instance of exhibiting.
EXORBITANCEexorbitance n. The state or characteristic of being exorbitant.
exorbitance n. A large excess.
EXORBITANCE n. an exorbitant action or procedure, also EXORBITANCY.
EXORBITANCYexorbitancy n. Alternative form of exorbitance.
EXORBITANCY n. the state of being exorbitant, also EXORBITANCE.
EXUBERANTLYexuberantly adv. In an exuberant manner.
EXUBERANT adv. luxuriant, overflowing.
EXUBERATINGexuberating v. Present participle of exuberate.
EXUBERATE v. to be exuberant.
EXURBANITESexurbanites n. Plural of exurbanite.
EXURBANITE n. a resident of an exurb, a residential area outside the suburbs of a town.
INEXCITABLEinexcitable adj. Not excitable.
INEXCITABLE adj. not excitable.
INTOXICABLEintoxicable adj. That can become intoxicated.
INTOXICABLE adj. able to be intoxicated.
MOXIBUSTIONmoxibustion n. (Folk medicine) The burning of moxa against the skin to treat pain or illness.
MOXIBUSTION n. cauterization by use of moxa.
STRONGBOXESstrongboxes n. Plural of strongbox.
STRONGBOX n. a box for holding valuables.
SUBLUXATINGsubluxating v. Present participle of subluxate.
SUBLUXATE v. to partially dislocate.
SUBLUXATIONsubluxation n. (Pathology) The partial dislocation of something, such as one of the bones of a joint, a tooth, or the lens of an eye.
SUBLUXATION n. an incomplete dislocation of a bone in a joint.
TAXABLENESStaxableness n. Taxability; the state of being subject to taxation.
TAXABLENESS n. the state of being taxable.
THROMBOXANEthromboxane n. (Organic chemistry, medicine) Any of a number of eicosanoids, related to prostaglandin, that have a…
THROMBOXANE n. any of several compounds formed from prostaglandin endoperoxides which, when released from blood platelets, induce platelet aggregation and arterial constriction.
TINDERBOXEStinderboxes n. Plural of tinderbox.
tinder-boxes n. Plural of tinder-box.
TINDERBOX n. a box for holding tinder.
TOXALBUMINStoxalbumins n. Plural of toxalbumin.
TOXALBUMIN n. any of a group of toxic albumins that occur in certain plants, such as toadstools, and in snake venom.
UNEXCITABLEunexcitable adj. Not excitable, not easily excited.
unexcitable adj. Not capable of being excited.
UNEXCITABLE adj. not excitable.
XENOBIOTICSxenobiotics n. Plural of xenobiotic.
XENOBIOTIC n. a xenobiotic substance or item.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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