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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing B, O, U and Z

ABSOLUTIZEabsolutize v. (Transitive) To make absolute.
ABSOLUTIZE v. to make absolute.
BENZOFURANbenzofuran n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of bicyclic heterocycles consisting of a benzene ring fused with one of furan.
BENZOFURAN n. a compound found in coal tar.
BOOZEHOUNDboozehound n. (Informal) alcoholic, drunkard.
BOOZEHOUND n. (colloquial) an alcoholic.
BULLDOZERSbulldozers n. Plural of bulldozer.
BULLDOZER n. a powerful, heavy tractor with a vertical blade at the front, used for levelling and clearing land.
BULLDOZINGbulldozing v. Present participle of bulldoze.
bulldozing n. An act of demolition with a bulldozer.
BULLDOZE v. to override objections.
JUMBOIZINGjumboizing v. Present participle of jumboize.
JUMBOIZE v. to enlarge a ship using prefabricated sections, also JUMBOISE.
OUTBLAZINGoutblazing v. Present participle of outblaze.
OUTBLAZE v. to surpass in brilliance of light.
OUTBRAZENSoutbrazens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outbrazen.
OUTBRAZEN v. to be more brazen than.
SOLUBILIZEsolubilize v. (Transitive) To make (something) soluble or dispersible, especially by adding a detergent.
SOLUBILIZE v. to render soluble, also SOLUBILISE.
SQUEEZEBOXsqueezebox n. (Music, informal) Synonym of accordion or concertina.
squeezebox n. Alternative form of squeeze box (“device for immobilizing an animal; box used by cavers for practising”).
squeeze␣box n. (Caving) A box with an adjustable opening used by cavers to practise crawling through tight spaces.
ZOOPHOBOUSZOOPHOBOUS adj. having an abnormal fear of animals.
ZORBONAUTSzorbonauts n. Plural of zorbonaut.
ZORBONAUT n. one who engages in zorbing.
ZUMBOORUKSzumbooruks n. Plural of zumbooruk.
ZUMBOORUK n. (Urdu) a small swivel-gun, esp. one mounted on the back of a camel, also ZAMBOORAK, ZOMBORUK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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