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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing B, 2N and P

BENZPYRENEbenzpyrene n. Alternative form of benzopyrene.
BENZPYRENE n. a cancer-inducing hydrocarbon, also BENZOAPYRENE.
BEPAINTINGbepainting v. Present participle of bepaint.
BEPAINT v. (archaic) to paint over, to colour.
BIPINNARIAbipinnaria n. (Zoology) The larva of certain starfishes as developed in the free-swimming stage.
BIPINNARIA n. the larva of certain starfishes as developed in the free-swimming stage.
EMBONPOINTembonpoint n. Plumpness, stoutness, especially when voluptuous.
embonpoint adj. Plump, chubby, buxom.
EMBONPOINT n. (French) plumpness of person; stoutness.
GABAPENTINgabapentin n. (Pharmacology) An anticonvulsant drug C9H17NO2 structurally related to gamma-aminobutyric acid that…
GABAPENTIN n. an antiepileptic drug.
NALBUPHINEnalbuphine n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic opioid antagonist which is very similar to morphine in chemical structure…
NALBUPHINE n. a synthetic narcotic, an analgesic structurally similar to morphine.
NONPROBLEMnonproblem n. That which is not a problem.
NONPROBLEM n. something that is not a problem.
PINBALLINGpinballing v. Present participle of pinball.
PINBALL v. to bounce around like a pinball.
PREBINDINGprebinding v. Present participle of prebind.
PREBIND v. to bind in durable materials for library use.
SPUNBONDEDspunbonded adj. (Of a fabric) Composed of extruded spun filaments bonded together in a random manner.
SPUNBONDED adj. of or relating to a nonbonded polymeric material that resembles cloth or fabric.
SUBPENAINGsubpenaing v. Present participle of subpena.
SUBPENA v. (Latin) to summon with a type of judicial writ, also SUBPOENA.
UNBESPOKENunbespoken v. Past participle of unbespeak.
unbespoken adj. Not having been bespoken; not specifically requested.
UNBESPEAK v. to unsay; hence, to annul or cancel.
UNOPENABLEunopenable adj. That cannot be opened.
UNOPENABLE adj. not openable.
UNPLUMBINGunplumbing v. Present participle of unplumb.
UNPLUMB v. to remove lead from.
UPBRINGINGupbringing n. The traits acquired during one’s childhood training.
upbringing n. The raising or training of a child.
UPBRINGING n. the way a child is brought up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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