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There are 15 words containing B, F and Q

AQUAFABAaquafaba n. (Cooking, neologism) The liquid left over from boiling chickpeas or similar beans, or from a can of chickpeas.
AQUAFABA n. water in which pulses, esp chickpeas, have been cooked, used in vegan cookery as a substitute for egg whites.
AQUAFABASAQUAFABA n. water in which pulses, esp chickpeas, have been cooked, used in vegan cookery as a substitute for egg whites.
DISQUALIFIABLEdisqualifiable adj. Able to be disqualified.
DISQUALIFIABLE adj. capable of being disqualified.
FABRIQUEFABRIQUE n. a parish group that deals with church property.
FABRIQUESFABRIQUE n. a parish group that deals with church property.
FREQUENTABLEfrequentable adj. Accessible.
FREQUENTABLE adj. that can be frequented.
LIQUEFIABLEliquefiable adj. Able to be liquefied.
LIQUEFIABLE adj. that can be liquefied, also LIQUIFIABLE.
LIQUIFIABLELIQUIFIABLE adj. capable of being liquefied, also LIQUEFIABLE.
NONQUANTIFIABLEnonquantifiable adj. Not quantifiable.
NONQUANTIFIABLE adj. not quantifiable.
QUAFFABLEquaffable adj. (Informal, usually referring to wine) Easy to drink.
QUAFFABLE adj. that can be quaffed.
QUALIFIABLEqualifiable adj. Able to become qualified for something.
qualifiable adj. Able to be modified, limited or restricted.
QUALIFIABLE adj. that can be qualified.
QUANTIFIABLEquantifiable adj. Capable of being quantified.
quantifiable n. Something that can be quantified; a measurable.
QUANTIFIABLE adj. capable of being quantified.
UNQUALIFIABLEunqualifiable adj. Not qualifiable.
UNQUALIFIABLE adj. not qualifiable.
UNQUANTIFIABLEunquantifiable adj. Incapable of being quantified or precisely defined mathematically.
unquantifiable n. Something that cannot be quantified.
UNQUANTIFIABLE adj. not quantifiable.
UNQUANTIFIABLYunquantifiably adv. In a way that cannot be quantified.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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