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There are 12 eight-letter words containing B, G and J

ABJURINGabjuring v. Present participle of abjure.
ABJURE v. to renounce under oath.
BEJADINGbejading v. Present participle of bejade.
BEJADE v. to tire out.
BIJUGATEbijugate adj. (Botany) Of a compound leaf, having two pairs of leaflets.
bijugate adj. (Botany) Of leaf arrangement, having pairs of (opposite) leaves, spirally arranged, producing a double spiral.
BIJUGATE adj. having two pairs of leaflets.
BIJUGOUSbijugous adj. (Botany, archaic) bijugate.
BIJUGOUS adj. having two pairs of leaflets.
JABBLINGjabbling v. Present participle of jabble.
JABBLE v. (Scots) to splash, ripple.
JIBBINGSjibbings n. The last milk drawn from a cow at one time; the afterings.
JIBBINGS n. (Scots) the last milk drawn from a cow.
JIBINGLYjibingly adv. With a jibe or taunt.
JIBING adv. JIBE, to jeer, also GIBE.
JINGBANGjingbang n. (Chiefly Scotland, colloquial) A thing, a lot, a shebang.
jing-bang n. Alternative spelling of jingbang.
JINGBANG n. (colloquial) company, collection.
JIRBLINGjirbling v. Present participle of jirble.
JIRBLE v. (Scots) to pour unsteadily.
JOBBINGSjobbings n. Plural of jobbing.
JOBBING n. the doing of jobs.
JUMBLINGjumbling v. Present participle of jumble.
jumbling n. The act by which something is jumbled or confused.
JUMBLE v. to mix in a disordered manner.
OBJURINGobjuring v. Present participle of objure.
OBJURE v. to bind by oath; to entreat solemnly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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