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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 5 six-letter words containing B, T and V

ABVOLTabvolt n. (Electricity, electrical engineering, dated) A unit of electrical potential equal to one hundred millionth…
ABVOLT n. a unit of electrical potential equal to one hundred millionth of a volt.
BOVATEbovate n. (Historical) Synonym of oxgang.
BOVATE n. (historical) an old measure of land, an oxgang.
BREVETbrevet n. A military document entitling a commissioned officer to hold a higher rank temporarily, but without…
brevet n. A warrant from the government, granting a privilege, title, or dignity, as in France.
brevet n. An organized, long-distance bicycle ride — not a race, but a test of endurance — which follows a designated…
OBVERTobvert v. (Transitive) To turn so as to show another side.
obvert v. (Transitive) To turn towards the front.
obvert v. (Transitive, logic) To infer by obversion.
VIBISTvibist n. (US, slang) A vibraphone player; someone that plays the vibraphone.
VIBIST n. (colloquial) a person who plays the vibraphone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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