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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 7 five-letter words containing B, R and Z

BAZARbazar n. Obsolete spelling of bazaar.
Bazar prop.n. A surname.
BAZAR n. (Persian) an Eastern market-place, also BAZAAR.
BORTZbortz n. Diamond of inferior quality, commonly used for drill tips; abrasive diamond powder; bort.
Bortz prop.n. A surname.
BORTZ n. (Dutch) diamond dust or fragments, also BOART, BORT.
BRAZAbraza n. (Historical) Synonym of estado, a traditional Spanish unit of length equivalent to about 1.67 m.
BRAZA n. (Spanish) a Spanish unit of length.
BRAZEbraze v. (Transitive) To cover with brass, or as with brass.
braze v. To join two metal pieces, without melting them, using heat and diffusion of a jointing alloy of capillary thickness.
braze v. (Obsolete) To burn or temper in fire.
BRIZEbrize n. The breezefly.
BRIZE n. furnace refuse used in making breeze blocks.
ZABRAzabra n. A small sailing vessel used off the coasts of Spain and Portugal.
ZABRA n. (Spanish) a small vessel used off the Spanish coast.
ZEBRAzebra n. Any of three species of subgenus Hippotigris: E. grevyi, E. quagga, or E. zebra, all with black and…
zebra n. (Sports, slang) A referee.
zebra n. (Medicine, slang) An unlikely diagnosis, especially for symptoms probably caused by a common ailment…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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